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Everything posted by alpha2

  1. Great first belt! You dodged a bullet with that waist size. Lucky lucky.
  2. Thanks, guys. Yes it's a Chicago screw. I couldn't find anything else I had that was the right length, that I thought would be strong enough. I had to grind down the screw portion of the head so it would fit into the snap itself. It worked great, though. It's not lined. I try to keep the IWB holsters as thin as possible. I figure the IWB doesn't need anything else to hold moisture, either. I'd not done one before with the straps/snaps. I think I'll do another one with just a clip, heck, it's an LCP, doesn't really need THAT much support. (It ain't a 1911!)
  3. Latest holster. I didn't have anything that would work for the snap attachment to the holster. I ended up grinding down the heads on the Chicago screws to fit into the male part of the snaps.
  4. I'm not a painter, either, but I don't believe I could have done that well! That is a very nice piece of work.
  5. So, Big Sioux, how much stuff have you re-discovered that you'd forgotten you had? The other side of that coin is that when you finally get it all put away again...you still have to remember where it is NOW. I hate moving.
  6. Check it's teeth. Oh, wait...that's sheep. Sorry! (Okay, I know that doesn't help you at all, but sometimes, I just can't help it. I thought I'd start out the new year like I finished the last year.) But, if anyplace can get that question answered, it's this forum. Happy New Year Steadybrook!
  7. WOW. Just WOW. Lucky lady to have a craftsman like yourself do a purse for her.
  8. Excellent! I'm liking that stamp. Now I need to get a daughter, and she needs to get some nail polish. Nah. I think I'll find another method.
  9. Must be the slashing steel thing. I used to favor a quick tap to the mask when fencing with epee. Startled the heck out of the opponent! Masks were ALWAYS tested before a match. Can't wait to see more!
  10. ULINE has a lot of different packing materials in their catalog. They are also online. I just ordered some shipping boxes from them, and I should have ordered some tissue paper in colors, too. Next time.
  11. I'm glad someone asked. I wondered about those sheaths, too. Nice work. When I do a welt for a knife sheath, I make two pieces, then join them at the point with a slight overlap, not a butt joint. Works for me. MUCH easier to get it to fit all the way around that way, you're not making an acute turn at the bottom. Wish I had a picture, but didn't think to take one of that area before the sheaths went to their new owners. Here's a disgusting attempt at a drawing allegedly illustrating what I'm talking about. Don't judge me. This is glued down on one side, you can adjust the curved part at the top to make the point come out perfectly. I start out a little long on that side so I can make the adjustment if needed.
  12. Make that cowboy a new belt, too! Nice chinks. Yours looks a lot better than my first attempt at oak/acorn.
  13. I'll bet when you say that, it sounds different than when I read it and try to say it!
  14. I may be wrong on which is the first and second attempts, but I like the first one. Thread size to stitch and hole size seems better. Remember, smooth surfaces on coasters cause the coaster to follow the glass up as it is picked up. I learned this the hard way. You want some texture at the outline of the glass, or the moisture will cause a suction effect when the glass is lifted. For instance, this didn't work. Looked great, didn't work, glass pulled up the coaster. Due to the seal between the coaster and the glass. A little texture there would have solved the issue.
  15. I'll play. Alpha2...aka 2A...aka second amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Right behind the first amendment. Freedom of speech, freedom from tyranny. A great start to a Bill Of Rights. I'm a Federally Licensed Firearm Dealer and an NRA instructor for basic Pistol, Rifle, and Shotgun. I also specialize in holsters, gunbelts and such.
  16. Cool! I like the display stand too. I have some of those stands.
  17. Go for it, Matt! I'm not driving to the Springs for it, but it IS tempting.
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