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Everything posted by CowboyBob

  1. I just checked & found a supplier that has the carriers for the 78's,
  2. Your die size helps determines the machine needed.As the tonnage increases so does the size of the cutting board,the 10T is 29.5x15 3/4",16T-31x16.5,24T-47x19.5.
  3. I'll never forget the look on a longtime Boss users face after he sewed his knife sheath on the CB4500.The ones he had a problem with is almost 5/8" thick @ the top down to 5/16" at the tip.The sample he sewed on his Boss looked good until he came up from the tip,since it was thicker towards the top the stitch length shortened by almost 1/2.When he sewed on the CB4500 & looked at it he said I'll take it,traded the Boss in & haven't heard from him since. I'm not trying to knock the Boss but just wanted to let people know it helps to have a walking foot & feed dog for even stitches on a taper or going over seams.
  4. Look for 16x2 it's a small shank leather point needle the same length as a 16x257.
  5. Most needlefeeds take a larger shank then the 16x257,the same length is 135x5 or for leather 135x8.
  6. For an easier reference look up Singer 16-188 (same machine w/o reverse) it should sew up to 20 oz & it'll take #138 thread w/o a problem.You'll probably want to take that motor off & put a servo motor on it for better speed control.
  7. Yes,I found a 310 parts manual & it looks very similar to your model.
  8. They will sew around a total of 20oz.
  9. Use the new 794S or D for leather they old 7x2 original Singer needles had small eyes in the so you had to use a couple sizes larger than what you need than if you use the newer style.Also the newer needles have a scarf in them that allow you to adjust the shuttle closer to the needle reducing skip-stitches.
  10. Just because the manual states a #23 needle as largest doesn't mean that you can use a thread for that size needle in this machine.The 96 is a light duty high speed tailor machine for thin threads like #69 & if your real lucky size #92 might work.The old Singer 31-15 with the oscillating hook can barely take a 138,a 16 class Singer can use a #138 real easy because of the bobbincase design.
  11. If it bunches underneath it can be either threaded wrong,not enough tension or I've also noticed that the #138 usually only works on large bobbin 29 machines I always recommend #92 as max on a small bobbin.Also if your gears are worn giving the shuttle driver some play it doesn't allow the shuttles to spin all the way forward to release the thread of it.
  12. You say your having issues with the bottom thread ? What do you mean & state size of thread & needle your using.
  13. Yes,they are big ,old & usually sew great.A few parts interchange with Singer 7 class,but be careful with the bobbincase tension spring they are real hard to find.Here's a pic of a 11-36 that sews up the arm(from left to right) they had quite a few variations of this model.
  14. They go though the leather & Kydex real easy.It just takes a little minor tension adjustment for the Cowboy CB3200 to sew Kydex.Here's a pic of 10mm or 13/32" of plywood ,slightly under 7/16" thick that one sewed.
  15. Ahoj Meznik, Yes the small 29 bobbin case can be made to work BUT it takes a lot of grinding to get it small enough to fit.
  16. Yes,we have some ,I'll need to know the inside & outside dimensions.
  17. I'll have agree with all of the above good advice too,only buy one them if you find a complete machine w/a broken casting,otherwise only buy a complete machine.The hook & bobbincase alone for these is around $300.00
  18. You can make a table top real easy out of a 4x8 plywood,cut it in half,glue it & put some wood screws underneath,cut out of the machine & then you can finish the top w/stain & some polyurethane .
  19. Yes,it would be easy to make one out of leather make sure it's flat when you mount it & glue it in,cork would work tooo might be easier to cut.There used be a couple sizes of these pads available but it's alittle cheaper just to make it if you can.
  20. You would think they would know better than to polish the threads !! That's as bad as people that get an old machine & want to (re-store) it so they strip all apart,break & or lose a few things & then call us to help bail them out,I sure wished these parts were available but most have been dis-continued yrs ago.When it would of been better just to clean it up the best you can & use it with the dirt inside it. "If it ain't broke don't fix it!"
  21. Yes both the needles & leather can affect the look,see the samples we just made.
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