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Everything posted by CowboyBob

  1. There's an Amish get together July 16-17 in Arthur,ILL.They will have an auction the first day & vendors setup early on the 2nd.It's usually over by noon the 2nd day,then it's time to eat.They always have some great food!!
  2. Yes,both the Pfaff & Juki are made for binder & the feed dog doesn't lift.
  3. Yes,the pair is S35.That looks like the right one.1/4" is most common here To tie off your stitching when your doing upholstery you can sew alittle past where you started.
  4. This machine has two places to adjust the stitch length,one is on the front & then there is a screw on the top left that adcust the length the top foot moves,turning this one clockwise is longer.It's probably best to turn the machine slowly by hand & watch how the top foot feeds with the lower feed dog & adjust the top foot to feed the same as the feed dog.
  5. Wiz is right.I've delivered machines to them & made the mistake of getting there @ lunchtime,they make you wait till they are done eating before they will talk to you.
  6. Yes,it should work as long as it's not wornout.It takes the same needles & bobbins as a 441 style machine BUT the feet are different,they only fit the 756 so you won't be able to get any other type of feet other than the standard double toe which you could cutoff one side to get closer to the edges.
  7. Probably doesn't matter the way the shipping companies operate they never would pay anyways.We have found that if the wheel is taken off before shipping the shafts won't get bent so easy. As far as straightening it out get a thickwall piece of pipe, find the high spot,take the wheel off & push it down alittle @ a time until it's straight. I've straightened out a lot of them this way & it is a lot easier than pulling the shaft.A machine shop might even do it that way too.It isn't a large enough shaft that it needs a press.
  8. The needle his machine uses is about 1mm(0.40in) @ the top & the #8 I have in stock are that size all the way to the tip.They are 1&1/4" long the 16x257 are 1&1/2"long & 1.62mm @ the top.
  9. Oh,the max thread size is #138
  10. If I remember correctly it does not have a walking foot?Either way if it does or not we have feet that will fit.
  11. You probably just got a piece of thread jammed in the hook.You need to hold on to the needle thread when you start sewing,hold it the first 3-stitches.What you need to do is put some oil on the hook & rock the handwheel back & forth(don't forget to unthread the needle) and it will free up.That little finger is supposed to be hitting the outer part of the hook.
  12. You need to stop & start with the take up lever @ the top.This is the part you thread through & moves up & down while your sewing.If you stop the machine with it down the thread is still caught on the hook & you have 3-threads coming out.
  13. Hey,I don't know what else to say but THANKS for being such good customers.I hate to brag on them but these FS-550 are the best servo we've ever had.They are very controllable & very quiet too.
  14. The only difference I can see is the scarf is shorter on the 216x1 than the 214x1.
  15. The 111w155 is the newer one & will sew alittle heavier.
  16. If you have a metal pitman arm(the rod from the pedal to the lower pulley) ,they have ball bearings in them.
  17. You might have thread stuck in the bobbincase area,put some oil on it,all the way around the outside if the bobbincase,so it runs into the hook,then turn the machine back & forth to free it up.
  18. Nice pics,thanks for posting them,I like seeing that old stuff.
  19. James, Clutchmotors have a feature where you can turn the end & have the clutch arm any direction you want it,if you put a servo on your machine the mounting bracket needs to be horizontal instead of verticle like your is because the arm isn't adjustable on the servos. It probably wouldn't be to hard to make a different mounting bracket.
  20. Constabulary is right there is no way it will even come close to sewing 1" thick.The brand is Union Special,it looks like it might be a needlefeed machine,try searching for union special model# 61200,61300,61400,61900,63400,63900 it's one of these models.There should be a plate on the back with the model# on it.It should sew 1/4" ok.
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