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Everything posted by Mattsbagger

  1. What weight leather are you using first off? I’d just go with the copper burr rivets and like 10oz and maybe reinforce it on the inside.
  2. I have MAKESUPPLY templates and are very solid. I had him make some up of my own pattern too.
  3. Sam Andrews. The video that got me into leather work. I do sometime cut that way but I always use a straight edge and rotary cutter for straight runs.
  4. Look at JLSLeather and Jason Ingle for good examples of holsters.
  5. He has refillable edge markers work great for dye. I got some of his solution last year at Sheridan. Works great but I just mix up saddle soap in water in an olive jar and use that after I ran out.. lol
  6. Buy Ritza from Rocky Mountain Leather or Egyptian Leather on Etsy. It works out to .03 cents a yard. On full spools.
  7. Looks like the Tandy one they just started selling also.
  8. Tokonole is more like Gum Trag. Resoline is a water based finish. Not unlike Mop&Glo floor finish, some people use M&G instead of Resoline.
  9. A 5/6 Latino probably work well. It the weight of a wallet body so not to heavy.
  10. Thanks everyone.The thread is .8 Ritza in orange. And yes a craftool backgrounder. The wallet also has a barb wire stamp border.
  11. A belt and long wallet for a co worker. Custom stamp ordered from Sergi Neskromski. It is amazing work. My use of it doesn’t do the stamp justice.
  12. Tandy has screw adapter for conchos. On holsters I use 6/32 screws and T-nuts. Idk if this helps or is what you mean.
  13. Bump. Seems like someone could use this.lol Berretta PX 4 Storm.
  14. I have a Ring Storm bluegun I’m not using and never have used. It has a couple of spots from black dye splashed on it. $35 and free shipping. If you have a S&W Bodyguard to trade we can talk about that too. Thanks.
  15. https://www.google.com/search?q=stitches+per+inch+image&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih7qqdvZ7bAhVH6oMKHaioAcIQ_AUIESgB&biw=414&bih=617#imgrc=Mk3a3Q5RKMnPCM This is what I was saying. I just decide what look I want for each project.
  16. It depends on personal choice. Some use say 8 or 9 stitches per inch. Lay your chisel on a ruler and see how many points fit in a inch. Gives a rough estimate of SPI. I am out of time so I don’t have access to my tools to take pics to illustrate what I am talking about. Different SPI will give the same project that is exactly the same a completely different look.
  17. Steel liners are used in quick draw rigs. Invented by the guy Matt Dillion kills in the opening credits of Gunsmoke. If I remember right.
  18. Yes. I prefer glue as easier to stitch and get better edges.
  19. Yep that cheap little roller tool from Tandy works very well.
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