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Everything posted by Mattsbagger

  1. England basicly outlawed the plastic carrier bags yrs ago everyone brings there own and packs own groceries. We have about 20 Sainsburys reusable shopping bags and confuses people when we pack our own groceries. Lol
  2. Photo and picture resizer app works good too. It's free.
  3. Resoline and mop and glo are basiclly the same thing.Acrylic finish.Still cut it 50/50
  4. You definitely need to rough up smooth leather or NO glue will ever hold it. And be patient and give it time to dry.
  5. What Mutt said. My belt is 8oz lined with 5oz. Still flexible but hold it shape. And I carry a gun on it every day.
  6. Pricking irons are used to mark the stitching. Light tap. Then you use a awl to make each hole as you sew. Chislels you drive all the way through and don't use an ask to stitch.
  7. Looks good. I might have to try dyeing like that........
  8. They are also called bag punches btw when you are searching.
  9. Now if I only had a clicker.....lol
  10. I have some toad skins I want to do a wallet back with. Just haven't tried it yet. I'm thinking gonna need to laminate to either some 3oz or black pigskin I have. It's amazing what people will make leather out of. Since I'm from close to Plainfield WI originally some of you will know what I'm talking about.
  11. Weaver also sells Ritza machine thread I believe.
  12. Yep. My leather cave is carpeted. Has the family calls it. On long runs it will pick up fuzz. Which shows up on my white and cream thread.
  13. According to Bruce Johnson Tools. I just read on his site regular edgers are easier to maintain. Being that its one cutting surface. Dunno if this helps at all. He has a bunch of vintage edgers on his site right now. He is a nice guy to talk to also. I spent some time bending his ear last year at Sheridan.lol
  14. When your thread runs out or breaks you start again 5 stitches back and overstitch where you stopped. Trim the ended/broken stitch. Make sense? Am Stohlman has instructions in his how to hand sew book.
  15. Same with punches. Use a #8...... Well my punches are in fractions.lol
  16. Yep. I was wonder because when I first started with Leather. 1.5 yrs ago.lol I got some old boots to make something but wasn't knowlegable to line it with veg tan so ended throwing them away. And you use Edge Kote? I've not had luck with it sticking well and lasting.
  17. Fyi. I used jlsleather G43 pattern and adjusted the stitch line for my wife's LC9s.
  18. In short yes. All LC9 are the same size. The difference are safety/no safety and striker fired and hammer. Ifin I remember correctly.
  19. tudor rose line drawing - Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=tudor+rose+line+drawing&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=imsvn&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&fir=9x6eh27VLjEofM%3A%2CIvKijLTjmq6vMM%2C_%3BuU3p4Ry2vp3zhM%3A%2C0cKSEl7U6wn3DM%2C_%3BD_abzEsusmJsdM%3A%2CqEyKusjxDNPn1M%2C_%3BZy6OXhiyan2avM%3A%2CqcEwJw3hdBzhGM%2C_%3BAJ9u-wJk3AWxBM%3A%2CNhlIa1lskgq0FM%2C_%3BymOdydy8k5MZhM%3A%2CaIZZZLl9bIHlHM%2C_%3B3DIUX8s78trwjM%3A%2CO3McBocWtcsUqM%2C_%3Ba6ZpoeozEl77aM%3A%2C0cKSEl7U6wn3DM%2C_%3BrCI0kCxGmGgtnM%3A%2CDMjWxKSdxMq7WM%2C_%3B6O6kMHli2m_u0M%3A%2CGsDeymu-O26V2M%2C_&usg=__wrAXRhLDjOP3yye9eOGMucZ81uc%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj4-am6qrDZAhVNw2MKHbMCCo0Q7AkIPQ&biw=360&bih=560
  20. My wife lived in Winchester for 12 yrs. It's a beautiful place. The cathedral is amazing. But I digress. Mutt, carve anything you want. There are some pages I found on Facebook for leather working and there is a guy that does HD engines. I think if you draw it it can be carved. A family great would be cool.
  21. I had a little dye left I each spray bottle when done. So I mixed them together and got a nice purple. In case you need to do any LSU stuff. Lol
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