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Everything posted by JD62

  1. Nice! That's better than my first wallet by far!
  2. Thanks Gary, that actually helps a lot as I'm hoping to do a bunch of sporting equipment and it will surely get wet. I really don't like Edge coat but haven't tried any other products because I cant waste money on another product that won't work.
  3. Thanks for the info! I'll try them both and see how I make out.
  4. @garypl Can you give more detail about your impressions of the dense vs. tha semidense paints? I'm just wondering if one has a real advantage over the other on say tow layers of 3/4 oz. or 7/8 oz. I've watched the videos they have but am still not sure what to order.
  5. If you want even color but not too deeply penetrated, you can spray it on with an air brush,or a spray painter like http://springfieldleather.com/Sprayer-Preval-Power. They also sell airbrush supplies. That should let the ageing go a bit faster.
  6. Hi Dinah, welcome to the forum! Your bison should be easy to sew by hand ,but it is on the softer/more flexible side so something to hold it (stitching horse,or pony) will be very helpful.
  7. Yup, they cut cased leather like butter. You are right, some of the tools are for wood but you might be able to adapt some for leather. Most of all have fun and buy your friend a beer!
  8. SCORE!! you have a good friend. watch out for the gold colored swivel knife blades ( in the red box ), they are rubi blades for carving and are not sold new anymore. The rubis are fragile. The stamps alone are worth close to what you paid. Congratulations!
  9. Lets just say my grandsons are not quite as old as you! Just wondering, what was the finishing process you used?
  10. Absolutely awesome! When I grow up I want to do as well!
  11. Give this a read some very good tips from some very talented carvers
  12. Great job I think you're on to something there!!
  13. Course now some dude went and came up with BBQ pizza and Buffalo chicken pizza
  14. JD62

    New swivels

    Cool, they look really nice. I've been toying with the idea of building a couple but want to use ball bearings. I haven't researched that small of a bearing yet, any suggestions?
  15. Wow I don't think I've seen it do that before. Maybe if you could give specific steps and products you used it would help narrow down an answer. It kind of looks like the black is scraping off, like its on top of a finish, or the dye wasn't dry.
  16. Looks nice I've gotta hand it to you folks who can do these kind of stamps. I get lost tryin to draw them in a program let alone how to print them them!
  17. JD62

    Beer Growler

    Nice looking caddy! Cool hops carving too!
  18. Ha ha Mutt you've got em all but the "smells better than the forest", I dont think anything smells better than the woods first thing on a spring morning!
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