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Everything posted by JD62

  1. Hey that's alright.So what did you do different?
  2. Haven't seen that one. Is it wax based? It leaves a nice mellow sheen.
  3. Wow that came out really nice. What did you finish it with?
  4. There is this too https://www.ebay.com/itm/SHIELD-TAB-TEMPLATE-CRAFTAID-STENCIL-SET-FOR-LEATHER-CRAFT-NEW/142458351633?hash=item212b2df011:g:fa8AAMXQcVNQ7Go6
  5. I worked in an aircraft hangar with infrared heat for 25 years and I'm not a fan. The floor level was always cold and recovery time when the doors were opened and closed was slow. It may be cheapest to build a room with lower ceilings and good insulation ,then a unit heater hung from the ceiling would work well. If it's a lease you might be able to get the landlord to foot some of the bill!
  6. Thanks Ferg. I've been thinking about a site for my wifes products and some of my own,but honestly dont know the first thing about "building a site" and would probably goten myself in trouble so I do appreciate the heads up.
  7. As much as it breaks my heart to see Miss Emmylou as backup I have to say its kinda SEVENTH HEAVENish!!!
  8. Thank you , very interesting.He sure dose some beautiful work.
  9. Can you give the name of the tutorial or the name of the author?
  10. @Boriqua Those are awesome. I think you have an unique of humor ,and I like it!!
  11. Oldnslow is right, don't give up. It took us almost 3 years to get my wife thru the process. We had to get a lawyer too, but we got one that only gets payed if you win your case. They do charge but its limited by law the percent they can get . Unfortunately its not any faster than going on your own but they seem to listen better when you go that rout. I wish I could promise it will work for you, bit it is the government after all. I wish you luck and I'll keep you in my pairs.
  12. Very nice for just starting out, much better than my first few dozen projects!!
  13. I started,I guess, in the early part of 2016 while recovering from a burst fracture of the spine which damaged nerves and left me paralyzed from the waist down. Between phis therapy sessions I needed something to do to keep from going nuts. I found leather tutorials on YouTube and thought it looked cool. 2 months later I got out of the hospital able to walk a little ways and started buying tools and some bellies from SCL and started teaching my self. I can only sit at my bench for about an hour at a time so its slow going but it really keeps me doing something useful. I think
  14. I think I'll try that If you dont mind that is!
  15. Ahhh, Well up here in N.Y. you cant even shoot a hand gun unless its on YOUR permit, which you cant get till your 21.
  16. Nice job, the stamping looks good.
  17. Thats all I've used,but I don't do many.
  18. You could go to your local picture framing shop and ask for mat board too.
  19. Well,you're giving good info that hasn't been done to death( if at all),so that makes it good in my book! Your demo is all in the shot which is another plus. I think you did a good job!
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