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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. It depends friend on what i intend to use the leather for. My boots for example don't get the same treatment as my wallet. Get what I'm saying? Not all leather will require the same conditioners. But nothing i use will have vegetable oils in it as the main ingredient and that is because of my personal experience and knowledge as i have written above. I see no reason to have to add a bunch of chemicals to an iffy ingredient, the American way founded on trying to sell waste materials, just to get it to work when there are tried and proven products out there that need nothing additional, sure you can make veg oil work and it may work very well if you add enough other stuff to make it stable but I'm not going to try it on products i make and intend to last for the lifetime of the person I just cant afford to sorry. I do use neat's-foot on most of my work as the first product for conditioning to start the process of moisturizing or softening the leather its been used for centuries and i have used it for decades and i know it works. I do make one hell of a castile soap for the family however if that helps you to understand I'm not anti veg oil LOL. To everyone didn't mean to sound snarky at all or argumentative i apologize to anyone i have offended.
  2. i had to look it up as i know nothing about recorders i found this info. "Almost every maker recommends sweet almond oil with vitamin e oil added to it. The vitamin e oil keeps the almond oil from going rancid." You mean you wouldn't use leather water proofing for a recorder ? Hmmm maybe just maybe thre isn't one answer!
  3. it will be ready on the first full moon of the second month of the third year when the blue wooly tater bug flies south. i apply it with a cold beer! but some good home made Irish whiskey will work also.
  4. I know you make a conditioner let me know how it works in say twenty years the first 7000 years of leather history doesn't show much use of vegetable oils mixes of any kind that i know of and i'm not sold.
  5. just from personal experience, We had a very stringent chemical program at the prison i used to work in. Oils were one of them and aerosols oil products a strict nono. So in an effort to keep the equipment in the kitchens lubed up the inmates would use vegetable cooking oils including olive among others. I can tell you in a few months vegetable oils dry and turn to a hard rubbery glue like substance that requires solvents to remove, it didn't smell to bad so not really rancid but there may be other traits not so good for leather that we need to think about also. I 'm not putting veg oils of any kind on my leather, I've spent far to many hours cleaning it off of stuff. I prefer time tested products and i have tested them for most of my 62 years i have leather products that are 40 years old. i cant see much in history books about using the vegetable oils, I'm sure they did at some point but why they aren't the goto from days gone by has to cause some question about their use in leather work.
  6. its takes longer than 24 hrs just put some steel wool in a jar cover it with vinegar, put the lid on loose and forget about it for at least a few days it will get stronger the more iron that is dissolved. I have a jar that is over a year old. This stuff has been made for centuries its not rocket science. don't overthink it no need.
  7. Beautiful work!!!! 4th day of bow season here man i wish i were out sneakin around.
  8. thank you, i used a few different stohlman patterns and kind of merged them into one that would fit each sheath with the help of a lightboard. My chisels are very cheap Chinese made that were given to me as a gift. I have been trying to watch and straighten them as i use them but missed once lol. They are just junk soft metal. Thanks guys my tooling is getting a bit better i think anyways.
  9. try applying your shene with an air brush in light multiple applications so you don't get puddling. i had that same problem with the dyes moving with the shene using brushes. beautiful work!!!!
  10. Thanks, i have one more to make for my double bit axe also. thank you.
  11. air locks are to keep wild yeasts out of your wine during fermentation. neither wild yeast or air has any effect on roon. its vinegar, its already been fermented, and iron the process builds some gas so just leave the lid loose.
  12. I figured it was time to make sheaths for a couple of my hawks, getting ready for the hunting season. Tried to make them kinda old looking to go with my Black powder possibles. Note the wonky stitches on the one, that comes from less than good chisels tines bent and i didn't notice. Buy good chisels!!! BTW the background is my sons first endeavor at making buckskin, very proud of his effort it isn't an easy job.
  13. no! just use leather there is no benefit to overthinking this. if you glue and hammer your welts then there ill be no seam for the blade to find. useing plastic wont guarantee this.
  14. You are way overthinking this. Build a knife roll with individual pockets and be done with it. Maybe make it so you can hang it up, eyes on the top at each end. The handles are no bigger than any other knives so not any more of a problem. I have a few tool rolls, my chisels for example have round handles and pose no problem. Shape the sheaths so they resemble the blades for easy identification.
  15. most of Europe was reconstructed back in the 40s 50s our power lines were still intact so they are still here.
  16. excellent would make an awesome scrimshaw tool also.
  17. a snap or retention method is part of the overall design and should be given as much consideration as any other part of your project I couldn't give an answer without knowing what the sheath will look like. I use these. from weaver for alot of my work. for my sheathes that are for black powder or more primitive type look i use an antler button and leather cord. Other sheathes i make i use nothing as the sheath holds the knife tightly enough. one thing to get right is the strap and snap should go together so that the snap wont be pulled open while walking through the brush, example, the picture below the side of the strap with the watch hand on it should face forward so the strap isn't caught by brush and pulled open.
  18. Make sure they or you or whomever beds the new line and compacts it also like Frodo said or the problem will be dug back up in a few years. Most good knowledgeable plumbers will do this some just throw the pipe in the hole. I hate sewer lines and septic systems!
  19. LOL you are right there i gave way to much credit
  20. its the massive inflation brought on by really poor government management of a fake crisis.
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