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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. thanks, it'll be used while we are stuck in the house lol.
  2. Well here it is a bit over my skill level, I kinda bit off more than I could chew I have more imagination than skill. I guess that's how you learn new stuff lol. A ton of mistakes but it looks good at five feet or so. The checkers are deer and elk antler.
  3. Thank you! I have already built a leather loop that will go around the belt also.
  4. excellent! youre starting to get that stretched hide look going.
  5. you got me going, first thing I thought was backgammon board now i'm in it over a week and only half finished... maybe lol. Your boards are cool indeed!
  6. agenda 21 by 2030 in progress. Virus spurs hysteria kills old people, puts in place global mandated vaccinations per Bill Gates that sterilize 90+%, or go to a fema camp, does away with paper money even though pin pads are just as dirty, creating a global economy. Easy peasy! Lambs to the slaughter.
  7. I like the color you have on this one, it doesn't detract from your work you could also stain the wood a bit. I will make up a couple of hoops and post them for you to see. It will be a few weeks or so as its still snowing so I cant get to the river, also takes a while to form them properly.
  8. did you get my message?
  9. High tech isn't the answer, I haven't seen anything it really helped for the consumer.
  10. nothing like starting at the top! Great job indeed!
  11. Your very welcome I sent you a message.
  12. That came out as awesome as I thought it would! great job!! Your leather work is excellent. If that's the hoop you bought let me know next time I'll surprise you.
  13. That's a great idea for the sling on both ends, I hope that edge on the butt doesn't hurt him it looks kind of sharp/ridged for the kick of a 12 gauge. But if he only shoots those low base loads it may be ok. I would think about rounding that edge in some way a bit if you can.
  14. Lead caning knife for stained glass work very cool kife and good find it has many uses
  15. I grew up in Wyoming a state with less than 500,000 people, what I couldn't learn from my folks or grand parents, I learned at the public library, or by trial and error. I now have an extensive library on almost every subject from rug making to welding. My only suggestion is to search out people that do it , like this awesome forum, or grab a book learn from your mistakes and figure it out. The one good thing about the internet is the ability to talk to people of like minds from all over the world. An education is bought , knowledge is learned IMO. I wish you well.
  16. Yes we do!!!!! The educational system has focused so much on disregarding parental knowledge that now only an "Expert" can teach them no longer do they learn from their parents. And the only way to become an expert is through gubment school and buying a college degree. sad but also true. There are exceptions only my opinion folks but the rural areas and ranch kids have the best chance to learn from their folks.
  17. Thank modern gubment education! Young folks just aren't being taught to use their brains, pretty much anything they can buy in a box and stick to a page is about it for them. An that's what they call crafts! If they cant google it or YouTube it then its far to hard to learn. Sorry to the young folk here, you are the exceptions, and i'm sure i'll hear about it but the facts don't lie, the US was number 1 in education just 30 year ago now lower than 17th globally. Tie that in with the lil black brain tumor causing box they are addicted to in their hand and there you have it.
  18. I agree wholeheartedly, sadly quality control isn't as stringent as it used to be. if you do buy an older used knife pay close attention to the edge, how much wear and if it has been properly sharpened, knives can wear out in that the overall grind angle is lost or worn away through sharpening, over use or improper sharpening. very easy to fix other issues such as loose or damaged handles. I've bought a number of very good knives really cheap on ebay simply because the handles were damaged.
  19. I like the design, and your dyeing technique. Is that sewing done with your patcher machine?
  20. Thank you. Poor steel or more accurately a poorly made knife will hold an edge but not as long. Makers may forge the knives but they don't make the steel, just like the wholesalers of hides from tanneries and discussions here about quality and who is responsible for such they don't really know the quality control of steel they purchase to make their knives either. As a knife maker I can tell you there are dozens if not hundreds of different recipes nowadays for knife steel with minimal or no difference in edge holding quality after it has been tempered properly, and every type steel has different tempering and hardening techniques according to their particular composition. Saying its a certain type of steel sold as knife quality is of less consequence than the the hardening and tempering process that makes the quality of a knife and its ability to hold an edge. Kinda the same idea as buying a quality knife and using a rock from your garden to sharpen it when the guy who buys the proper stones and the cheaper knife will prevail and say his knife is the best. I wont say which knife brand is better because the quality or edge holding ability is more opinion than fact and is often skewed by the sharpeners ability. Two knives of the same measured hardness will hold the edge the same no matter the price paid or the steel therein and I would bet that info is hard to find for either of the brands mentioned. I too would hope the known names would produce better quality knives and that was an assumption on my part.
  21. My take on this, I haven't done this type of thing, is that you should be upfront and simply tell them the cost of the stamp will be included in the price as it cant be used for anything else. That being said you cant charge them again for the cost every time they order but will keep it for them and reuse it or they can have it for someone else to use.
  22. Take a look at hatchet sheathes. I think you could adapt the design to work very well.
  23. Its not the cost or the name that makes a good knife its the person that sharpens that knife, either one is a good quality knife as both have good steel, spend the money you save for good quality sharpening stones and such.
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