I built a 2 1/2 foot by 7 foot table frame out of an old wooden swing set, used 1/2 inch plywood for the top, then covered it with 1/8 luane to protect it from due, cuts, and unwanted impactsI also acquired a one foot by four foot by 3/8 inch thick white nylon cutting board to make all my cutting on! I use an old hickory tree tree limb as my impact post to set snaps and rivets. Now I'm working on an adjustable stitching pony/horse to stand or sit while hand stitching. I made tools out of galvanized pipes, I've even picked up some 2 1/2 inch plastic rods to make mallets with, just looking for wood dowels to make handles with. You don't have to follow the rules when it comes to leather working tools, corporations want you to purchase their products, just don't waste your cash on shhtuff made in China, they won't last and it will frustrate you to no end!