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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Another top notch belt from you... Love the overall look/design, it's always a pleasure seeing your work Bob
  2. Beautiful carving/tooling on the horses Kathy, I love'm
  3. Well, I'll give you another one, a company being around for +40 years or soo down in MO (I think it was) http://stleather.com/ Very nice and helpful on the phone, I have got some real nice leather from them and their prices is very hard to beat:-)
  4. Another beautiful work Ed... I love your colors, things like this makes me happy
  5. Your freaking good:-) Love the rustic look on your hood, superb coloring too:-)
  6. Lovely:-) It's so lifelike you can almost hear the roar...I'm too are happy that the weather keeps you indoors *S*
  7. Welcome Back Tashabear... I'm soooo sorry for your loss, saying anything else would be just to lame. Love your tattoo, chicken skin or not:-)
  8. Beautiful work, this must be one of my favourites
  9. How did I manage to miss this post??? The cover is absolutly wonderful, very "old world" feeling to the look and I Love the design. I'm sure this one is going to be treassured for decades to come
  10. Welcome Wim, I'm sure you're going to Love this forum, Supernice and helpful people all around
  11. Hi there girly:-) I enclose a picture of items with flames I have made. They're colored with spirit dye, not paint. I start out by diluting both yellow and red. I dye the flames in yellow then slowly build the colors up with more yellow, orange (a mix of the yellow and red) and the red until I'm happy with the resault. It takes time and I have discovered that to keep the work "wet" makes it easier to blend the coors...I even start out with adding some water to the surface of the flames. I'm sure others will jump in with their tips and trick too:-)
  12. My money would without a doubt be on Angelus red Spirit dye...Real, true red color no pink at all. The picture at the their website is nothing like the real deal. http://turtlefeathers.net/text/angelus/dye.html scroll down on page.
  13. I found a leatherworking book at the library and after looking around and reading this is something I would like to share with you all. The book is full of basics but has ontop has manny patterns in it for purses, briefcases and more. Not the tooling patterns but the construction ones with all the parts etc...And all in English:-) So if you like to make this kind of items this might be a really good start. I did find it at Amazon, titel, ISBN number and such: Leatherworking Handbook by Valerie Michael...ISBN 0-304-34176-2.
  14. Nice lettering, I like the color too:-) I made the pictures in a more manageable size...
  15. Absolutly Wonderful:-) I wish I could find a friend around here for the same reason
  16. No third coat should be necessary just a bunch of patience, put it aside to dry and forget about it fot the next +24 hours before applying the antique (this will let the satin/super shene to dry to prevent streaking=wasted leather) Good luck//Tina
  17. Tina

    oval conchos...?

    This place was my fav to order hardware from when I lived in the US, supernice prices...The best way to order is to call them, very friendy:-) http://stleather.com/
  18. Patience, that's all people:-) The streaks shows up because the top coat isn't dry enough (the antiquing finds it's way through the sealer and on to the leather=distroyed), give it time...Put it away and forget about it for the next +24 hours...
  19. I might just give my 2 cents too as I love the Antiqing finish and use it on almost everything leather I make... 1. Due to only using spirit dye my leather needs a coat of pure neatfoot oil. I let it dry for 24-48 hours (I know it's hard but, just leave it alone *S*) 2. I apply 2 thinn coats of acryllic sealer (type satin/super sheen) and again...I leave it alone for another 24 hours. 3. Now it's time to get the antique on your work...After yet another day I seal the whole thing and Voila-Done! 4. The picture shows about how it would look... //Tina who has massive drawbacks and need some space SOON to do some leather work
  20. A small thing I did...And I had carpet in the room (not my choise) I tried this when living in the US (in a flat/townhouse). I ended up working with the big slab in my knee, simply to much noice whatever I tried. For the moments I really needed something more I had a high stool (wood, from K-Mart I think) but I tried to use that as short periods as possible not to disturb my neighbors. My best tip is to talk to your neighbors, show them some of what you're making and they will (might) have more patience with the banging:-)
  21. This is carved with a swivel knife. If you want to know more ask Hidepounder here, it's his work in the picture:-)
  22. Hi lil'bro, Your designs is getting more and more interesting...Great work on these:-) ps...Hittade ditt mail igår, har missat totalt i flytt och allt, skriver en rad under morgondagen
  23. Hi Butch, I would love to get a copy too, Thankx :-)
  24. Congratulations Tom, I think your creations is absolutly lovely
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