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Everything posted by Scoutmom103

  1. Nice innovation for getting her done.
  2. Very nice. Love the choice of leather for the seat. It looks great.
  3. very nice
  4. Wow. Those are beautiful both the sheaths and the knives. Thank you for sharing them.
  5. Looks comfy. Leaves the hands free for stitching.
  6. Nice. Let us know how you like it as you utilize it.
  7. Table looks nice.
  8. That's a nice looking stitching pony.
  9. Those looks nice. What machines did you use to make these?
  10. Border is a cool effect. Looks good
  11. Thank you for all of the pictures. The project is looking very nice.
  12. Congratulations and welcome. What a wonderful gift from your friend.
  13. That looks very nice. You put a lot of work into that restoration.
  14. Beautiful table Uwe.
  15. Beautiful spool holder.
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