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Everything posted by battlemunky

  1. You did a beautiful thing with the coloring too AB. Your carving work is great but the coloring on/inside the bud is incredible and the greens on both types of leaves is killer.
  2. Pretty cool stuff @D2G, I'm glad you thought of that, I know I had never thought of it.
  3. Looks pretty good to me! Almost seems like a shame to put that on a composite stock though, it screams to be strapped onto some wood.
  4. Wonderful family heirloom you made for them!
  5. Another piece that will last the owner a long long time. I agree with Bikermutt, your stitching is coming along really nicely.
  6. I like the last one as well but agree with you that this one is a bit more delicate. A good refinement IMO.
  7. Well done on the serpentine again, you got that nailed.
  8. I came from a dearly departed cube decoration from many Halloweens ago. I'm a cube lifer so I have all sorts of fun toys here and there from keeping life in a cube from being boring and stupid. The skull is from there. It is a bit smaller than my head but I got the initial form for the nasal area and cheek bones from it, the rest is me
  9. I won the costume contest for the Scariest category
  10. Welcome! Don't let the name of the forum fool you, we like to look at knives and other smithed things as well
  11. Made a mask. Wet formed it over a skull and my own face. Totally wearing this at work right now.
  12. I've done one like that before but my straps got wonky and I removed them, mine didn't have snaps though, snaps worry me on something I don't want to lose. Luckily it was my own and also designed for belt loop/dangler/scout carry possible.
  13. Both pieces are sweet. That dragon is really good work, how large/small is it?
  14. Can you make a cylinder and then say, a triangle, extrude it to the dimensions you want it and then add it to your cylinder and mirror it over a certain amount of degrees? Sorry, I'm not familiar with Tinkercad...and once you get the triangle figured out, repeat the process with a dog.
  15. mmmmm, meat glue. Meat glue, it's what's for dinner. How have I never heard of meat glue? Off to the googles!
  16. Cool, congrats on your cool new machine!
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