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Everything posted by Rhale

  1. If you are just doing floral the regular bevelers of Barry’s will be fine, if you are doing seridan I would go with the steep. I prefer checkered surface but that’s just my personal choice either will work great! I would start with 3 or 4 sizes from small to large, the extra large is good for long border lines but you can get by without that. Barry also makes an excellent swivel knife for the money. Blade size and barrel size is another personal preference. Hope this helps.
  2. Very nice detail! Is that a Henley swivel knife?
  3. I don’t find a supplied number
  4. No mention of price. What would it take to buy it?
  5. Rhale

    KY Newbie

    Howdy from Texas, another hillbilly here, I’m so far out in the sticks they have to pump daylight to me!
  6. Thanks for posting, watched the video and thought it was great. I will make one for my table.
  7. Most hardware stores have an adhesive backed tools of what I would call skid proof. I thinks it’s made to give traction on surfaces. Cut to fit whatever you want to put it on, works great I have it on all my straight edges and squares.
  8. I believe panhandle leather in Amarillo tx charges flat fee of $15 shipping for Herman oak
  9. Are you selling any of the tools?
  10. Over time the hair will rub off, I have a hair on rug that’s lost it’s hair in places but it took several years to wear off.
  11. Very nice work, sheath is also very nice. I am ne of Amarillo, I collect older factory pocket knives but any nice knife always catches my eye.
  12. Nice! Do you make the Damascus? Very pretty scales! Where in Texas are you?
  13. I think this was made to sew feed sacks closed, but not for sure
  14. Found a swivel knife marked JONES PAT 46 inside yoke. Nothing appears to swivel, yoke appears to be made to barrel, round blade tapers to an edge. Would include picture if I knew how. The second swivel knife has Del’s Craft Tools marked inside yoke looks like an older adjustable tandy knife. Can anyone tell me anything about either? Thanks in advance. Found these with numerous RBS and older craftool co stamping tools with no numbers. Thanks Rodney
  15. Who made the head and trim knife? I may be interested in all! Any deals for everything? Thanks Rodney
  16. Probably the leather but hard to believe a rocket scientist would have that kind of problem, lol
  17. Welcome aboard! There is a wealth of info here from a lot of fine people.
  18. Welcome aboard! There is a wealth of info here from a lot of fine folks.
  19. I don’t know of any relation in Alabama, some Tenn. but most all from Tx
  20. Don’t know but where are you since evidently we have the same name?
  21. GreT job young man, keep up the beautiful work you have a great future in leatherwork!
  22. Rhale


    Welcome fellow Texan, enjoy your new adventure All it takes is time, money, patience and practice. Did I mention practice? Get some scraps and practice whatever you want to do to start with, like the long wallet. Then practice some more. Enjoy it it can be very relaxing and very frustrating. All folks here will help in any way.they can. Oh did I mention practice?
  23. Welcome fellow Texan, I also live in small town Texas, Miami to be exact. There is tons of info and a lot of good people willing to help here. I am also a veteran, but fortunate to not be disabled, just old. Welcome aboard.
  24. 1947 model here, so jump in and enjoy, good folks on this forem and always willing to help.
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