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Everything posted by Hildebrand

  1. looking forward to ordering a few when you get it finalized and up for sale Todd
  2. I plan to be there Saturday, will stop by to say hi.
  3. Another delivery option is to have it shipped just to your local truck depot, thats what I did with my CB4500. Not sure how much I saved but I just went out on my lunch and they put it in the back of my pickup. It was on a pallet, and when I got home I took it off the pallet piece by piece which is the same I would have done with home delivery.
  4. For several of the bench mounted tools, maybe look at some of the stands that have 3 surfaces to mount tools on and they rotate around and lock in place. That way you are able to use 3 tools but only taking the floor space for 1. Todd
  5. After I make sure it is even either with cutting both layers after glueing or using the belt sander I bevel the edge then switch to 220 grit then finish with 600 grit. Once is it smooth I wet it then use the bar saddle soap and a piece of canvas to finish slicking them. Don Gonzales has a good utube video showing the process.
  6. @RidgebackCustoms thank you, I hadn't thought of that. It might just get me to the right color. Todd
  7. I have made several cartridge carries with single loops for rifle cartridges. As long as you use a wide piece(I use 1") for the loop and make it tight I have never has one come loose. I have a sling that I put 5 loops on for caring 30-06 cartridges in and I have carried it all day and never had one come loose. I have even put empties back in the loops with no issues. I will see if I have a picture of that sling. The picture is of a different one but the same concept. Todd
  8. @JLSleather you sent me that link when I got my machine, I was just paying it forward. Todd
  9. @DieselTech try this link,https://www.ebay.com/itm/10-Organ-7X4NW-DYX3LL-794LL-Leather-Point-Sewing-Machine-Needles-Singer-Consew/400730390609?var=670274800836, this is where I have been getting them, I think I use 24 for 277 thread. Todd
  10. I am struggling to get edges to dyed to match the surface of projects, particularly with light colored dies. Dark brown and black seem to cover fine but I haven't found the trick with light brown. Any tips appreciated, I am evening the edges, beveling, sanding and slicking with saddle soap then dying. Thank you for any tips. Todd
  11. Basket stamping, I have to really talk to myself along the edges especially if the object is not perfectly square. More often then not I end up putting an impression where I don't want it. I also second the no response to help/advice offered. If I try once to help and there is no response back(positive or negative) then I just pass on by the next time that individual is asking. I don't see that as much on this board as I do on other social media platforms. Todd
  12. If it’s a pattern I have downloaded or can scan I print it onto the clear overhead transparencies and trace it with a stylus. I get pretty much unlimited use out of them.
  13. The heavy brown paper they sell at home improvement stores for protecting the floor during renovations works good too. It is not as stiff as manilla folders but it comes in rolls 3 feet wide so no piecing together. Todd
  14. Hags, not to go to far down the rabbit hole, but if someone wants something that is a bad idea, especially on a holster. It is better to walk away than end up on the wrong end of things if something bad happens. If something happens and she is not able to get that strap undone and she is injured or worse because of that do you think they will remember thats what they wanted, or will a lawyer help them decide that your design was flawed and you are at least partially responsible.
  15. I am the same as Dwight. I tried using the water based Renia contact cement since it did not have the fumes and I could use it in the house but I had trouble with getting the same finish on the edges as I do with the Weldwood.
  16. If you already wet it and it won't stretch enough there probably is no fix for it. I have done the same with holsters and have never been able to get one that is to small to stretch enough to fit. Todd
  17. I roll mine grain side in and store them vertically in a pantry cabinet. I keep the door shut to keep the sun off. Todd
  18. I second @chuck123wapati I have used the instructions in there to make 1 rifle scabbard and 2 scabbards for Thompson Center Single Shot pistols with scopes on them. The formulas he has work. Todd
  19. @Tim Schroeder we get it you have an axe to grind but for peats sake give it a rest. If you don't like what the Facebook group has to say leave it but you are wasting bandwidth with your constant bashing of virtually everything except @Patrick1 and @RockyAussie. I have looked at the offerings and yes the narrow plates and feed dogs are going to be a great addition to the 441 cloan world but let it happen and quit harping on what others have to say that you don't agree with. I for one bought the premium package from @CowboyBob with my CB4500 and am perfectly happy with it.
  20. Merry Christmas everyone, I am northeast of Chuck, we are at -16 after an overnight low of -30. Todd
  21. I am very interested in something like this. Do you have any plans to produce and sell these? Thank you, Todd
  22. Nice work Chuck, I like the outside the box thinking on the sheath and beautiful knife. Todd
  23. Meandering or serpentine stamp. I’m still working on the double bead part. Thank you for the kind words. Todd
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