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Everything posted by Hildebrand

  1. Hags, not to go to far down the rabbit hole, but if someone wants something that is a bad idea, especially on a holster. It is better to walk away than end up on the wrong end of things if something bad happens. If something happens and she is not able to get that strap undone and she is injured or worse because of that do you think they will remember thats what they wanted, or will a lawyer help them decide that your design was flawed and you are at least partially responsible.
  2. I am the same as Dwight. I tried using the water based Renia contact cement since it did not have the fumes and I could use it in the house but I had trouble with getting the same finish on the edges as I do with the Weldwood.
  3. If you already wet it and it won't stretch enough there probably is no fix for it. I have done the same with holsters and have never been able to get one that is to small to stretch enough to fit. Todd
  4. I roll mine grain side in and store them vertically in a pantry cabinet. I keep the door shut to keep the sun off. Todd
  5. I second @chuck123wapati I have used the instructions in there to make 1 rifle scabbard and 2 scabbards for Thompson Center Single Shot pistols with scopes on them. The formulas he has work. Todd
  6. @Tim Schroeder we get it you have an axe to grind but for peats sake give it a rest. If you don't like what the Facebook group has to say leave it but you are wasting bandwidth with your constant bashing of virtually everything except @Patrick1 and @RockyAussie. I have looked at the offerings and yes the narrow plates and feed dogs are going to be a great addition to the 441 cloan world but let it happen and quit harping on what others have to say that you don't agree with. I for one bought the premium package from @CowboyBob with my CB4500 and am perfectly happy with it.
  7. Merry Christmas everyone, I am northeast of Chuck, we are at -16 after an overnight low of -30. Todd
  8. I am very interested in something like this. Do you have any plans to produce and sell these? Thank you, Todd
  9. Nice work Chuck, I like the outside the box thinking on the sheath and beautiful knife. Todd
  10. Meandering or serpentine stamp. I’m still working on the double bead part. Thank you for the kind words. Todd
  11. This is the most recent holster off of my bench. I wanted a cross draw holster for a 5" Ruger Redhawk, this is what I came up with. I also have been working on a prototype sling for single shot pistols(TC Contender, XP 100, etc). Todd
  12. @tsunkasapa what weight are the poly mallets you are using.
  13. I was just wondering what weight of poly maul everyone is using to stamp with? I have the Tandy rawhide mallet but I think especially for basketstamping I would like something heavier. I usually have to hit the stamp more than once even with the leather cased well. Thank you, Todd
  14. @Frodo it could be the compass but I think it is more likely that as you were going around one of the pieces you were not able to keep the compass perfectly perpendicular to the edge. As you travel along the leather if one leg gets ahead of the other it changes the actual distance between them, this is particularly tough on corners. This might save you buying an expensive tool that might not change the outcome. Todd
  15. @chrisashits very common over here for people to put their name on their belt especially people in the western culture. I made belts for my 2 and 5 year old granddaughters and put their names on them. I realize your post is in jest but when poking fun of others it really plays better if you don't have grammar mistakes in your post( their-ownership vs there-location). Todd
  16. @Rahereyou are right and we cannot control the eb and flow of a waistline. But, I tell people when I make a belt for them, especially if it has a name on it, that it is designed so that everything is centered when worn in the center hole with the same buckle it was measured with. I make sure to either do the measurement on the person or they take a picture of their existing belt with a tape next to it, I do not do a call in order that they have measured themselves, to many horror stories on this board and others Todd.
  17. The big reason I line holsters and belts is the added stiffness it adds. If you have the same weight leather, 16 oz for example for a belt, a combination of 2- 8 oz pieces or a 12 and 4 oz piece will be noticeably stiffer, when glued and stitched together, than a piece of 16 oz leather. For holsters I also like to line them since it makes the inside smooth too. Todd
  18. @Loudcherokeefor all practical purposes yes. Best thing to do is look and which dealer is closest to you to save on shipping. All 3 dealers have a presence on this forum and are very helpful. I bought my CB 4500 from Bob and the deal was extremely smooth. Todd
  19. @Oxbo at that age kids are very busy with school and other activities, sometimes it takes a while for them the realize what it is they want to do. Its a great looking shop and logo. Todd
  20. In the year you have yours, how often have you used it? One or two threads? well with responses like that I wish you well. Frankly if I had only used it to burn "one or two threads" I would not have posted since I would not have had a valid sample size. I won't waste any more of your or my time. Todd
  21. Also possible you got a bad one. I’m just a hobby guy but I am still on the first set of batteries more than a year after I started using it. Todd
  22. I usually use 220 then 400 grit, followed by water then a glycerine soap rub and a brisk canvas rub. I got the soap and canvas from a Don Gonzales utube video on edge slicking. This has worked the best for me and I have tried, saddle soap then a motorized burnisher(Dremel and grinder motor based), saddle soap and cloth but nothing works as well as the glycerine soap and canvas for me. Todd
  23. I use the Aquilim 315 as well and have had great results and no failures or issues.
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