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Everything posted by noobleather

  1. Great looking holsters and belt. Nice colour and stamping.I like the conchos and braid on the holsters.I have to get round to doing my own soon..
  2. Great work!! Stingray? looks amazing.Really like the leather grips.Got me thinking about leather grips for my wheel gun.
  3. The colour really pops!what type of gold paint did you use?
  4. An interesting read. I only give positive advise on this forum because I am no expert so I can only give the thumbs up when I see things that look good to me. I cant offer any technical advise. It is interesting how even something as seemingly simple as burnishing can have people at odds. So I read these forums and try stuff and hopefully learn and improve
  5. Wow just wow,lucky dogs to have such cool crafted collars
  6. Great work on that holster. yes wheel guns are fun! I have a pair of stainless Ruger Vaqueros in .357 for Cowboy Single Action.
  7. Wow basket weave and colour is starting to pop,nice edging
  8. I don't know what a cinnamon girl is but she is lucky to have such a cool belt. Love the carving and colouring. Top wotk
  9. Great work with the basket weave.how is the project progressing?any new pics?
  10. Wow that wallet is clean and really well put together. All the components look great together.Where in Japan are you going to study? Anata no saifu wa subarashi desu
  11. Wow an awesome original project.Top stuff
  12. Awesome project and pics.Great to see how you go from the original idea to the finished product.I would like to do something similar one day and will definitely be revisiting this thread. Cheers
  13. wow that is a great looking bike and seat
  14. Nice very nice,nice stamping and I like the hop guitar logo on the strap! Hope he gives you lots of IPA for your efforts Cheers
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