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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. heck no it aint right. Here it s gubment laws that make it impossible to scrounge. Our gubment is run by lobbyists that control our puppet politicians. Those lobbyists sell products so don't want anything really reused or should i say reused by the consumers. so they make it illegal due to "health reasons". True recycling here in the US is a farce at best with as you know every person taught to discard the old and buy the new. People here have even lost the ability to fix anything they own or even take care of themselves in the most simple ways, cant sew, cant cook, but they can damn sure get an app that sells them clothes or tells them where a restaurant is. People here are getting around that to by curbside giveaways also, they set stuff out a couple days before hauling it to the dumps.
  2. we have a guy here in town that delivered newspapers all his life and well up into his 60s on his bike. You could set your watch by him he just loved the job and to ride his bike. Our local paper has shut down so now he just rides to work.
  3. way cool, i like the stripes are they dyed or painted?
  4. sweet ii like that dark border.!!! gotta see the knife though .
  5. Oh yea its pretty good i dont think i want to try a circle yet lol.
  6. That is some nice work indeed.
  7. oh heck yea i put a few miles on it this summer , nothin like an early morning cruise on some classic iron. lol she's hanging in the garage now waiting on spring to come.
  8. if it has a letter or initial or custom anything its full 100% up front. if they are good honest folks its no problem they understand. Had a guy the other day wanted three plain holsters and a couple mag carriers. gave me two guns for patterning then asked me if i wanted money in advance too i laughed and said i trust you i have two of your guns lol.
  9. Cool indeed. I'll be testing mine out today and may post a picture for folks. they are so much better than my Cheap knock offs it not even funny. Wouldn't pay full price for them though I'm a tightwad lol.
  10. got my fine diamond chisels today. They are fine indeed!!!
  11. yea I don't know it was just an idea. used to be all there was was just a phone hooked to a wire in just your house. I have a flip phone it came with a camera. I also have a camera it didn't come with a flip phone. lol
  12. A few more https://www.vindolanda.com/Blogs/blog/the-curators-favourite-shoes
  13. your welcome and please show it off to the forum when your finished.
  14. throw some fringe on the bottom and you could sell em all day long at Cheyenne frontier days. Very western look imo.
  15. ditto my old topper was handed down from my folks, bought sometime in the 40s or 50s.
  16. YW i still have mine in a drawer zipper died lol they are nice and i can see a new use if a person could adapt it to carry a cell phone as well.
  17. Thank you for taking the time to post this info another place to sell is always good.
  18. That's why you buy tools so you can make your stuff. IT is smart! Here in Wyo. its also a necessity sometimes. I built one on my wood lathe and as i was testing it realized i could also use the lathe to power it. Used local scrub oak.
  19. you cant print a PDF? its the same pattern in your picture look at the inside pockets. How you finish it is up to you you don't have to carve it with the old designs but whatever friend good luck.
  20. Tandy has an ebook library that is free I'm sure they have the stohlman belt patterns with all the info you will need. the pattern i have= slot centered at 1 1/8" from the end of the billet. first snap hole 3/4" from center of slot towards tip of billet second is1" from slot center to rear of billet third is 2" all measured from center of 3/4" slot Hope this makes sense.
  21. lol nope but apples to oranges is about the same. I don't remember what the seam is that quilters use but they sure can make some nice straight lines, my mom used to quilt it is an amazing craft in its own right and i might add some of the designs would rock made from leather.
  22. maybe some videos on quilting would help. I think if you sewed the squares together like they do fabric it may solve your problem.
  23. Nice work and welcome back to the craft. From your northern neighbor.
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