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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. i have a detector and a small tin of old coins and other metal stuff i found in my yard, Three rings, one is a very old silver ring that is a cross with Jesus, it turned sideways, the long part of the cross goes around the finger. On our family homestead i found an axe head which my dad cleaned up and re fitted a handle, unfortunately it cracked along the weld one day while i was using it. I've found some cool stuff around the country with it including arrow heads lol as your eyes are always watching the ground you find all kinds of non metallic items.
  2. In my book it appears to be a Dickson point and 2000 is about mid point of when they were made 1500-3500 some of them were heat treated. Very cool point.
  3. Its a very cool design overall, If your plan is to sell them in bulk I don't see the snap working well as not all ponytails are the same size. Possibly lacing it up might be an option worth considering.
  4. i tried similar tools, carbide sharpeners, on knives but never cared for them. As Wepster said you can find them for sale in many stores i even have one i bought for sharpening my broadheads its in the junk drawer.
  5. No problem friend anytime.
  6. i love natural history in all forms. Ive been watching a show called time team, its a bunch of Scottish archeologists, who spend three days digging sites. they aren't very good at it due to the time line they work in and spend most of the time drunk i think but they are funny to watch and do dig up some good information and history about Ireland, Scotland and Briton. There are several places here in Wyoming that you can go and dig for dino bones and fossils, Fossils of invertebrates or fish can be kept but bones and such are illegal. I have found fossil bones, fish scales, leaves etc. I find many on the surface lol. When i was a boy my dad had an archeologist friend down in the four corners region. His house was full of pottery and bones that he was working on. the coolest thing i ever saw was a 1000+ year old baby he found, still in the papoose and still very much mummified. The hair skin and clothing was all still remarkably well preserved as well as the body. That was in the 70s and laws have changed now the native tribes wont allow their ancestors remains to be dug. I'm sure his life's work has all been reburied.
  7. well Professor i would google upholstery leather. there are tons of options.
  8. anything hooked to the net can get hacked. https://www.poweradmin.com/blog/how-to-keep-malware-out-of-your-printers/ https://cybernews.com/security/we-hacked-28000-unsecured-printers-to-raise-awareness-of-printer-security-issues/
  9. It never got warm here, its been a beautiful summer with plenty of moisture and low temps the garden is bulging with goodies just about 1/2 ready to be canned for the winter. i love fall but.... I'm not ready. Picked four gallons of choke cherries yesterday from the neighbors tree.
  10. trannys are expensive, i have a 03 Chevy 1500 setting in my yard with the tranny problem.
  11. yum yum we make ours with patties instead of balls but they are darn good.
  12. jeez you do good work!! those are outstanding!
  13. yes some patterns do but usually not that close in thicknesses. some liners aren't even leather. he needs a definite idea of the pattern he intends to make first off.
  14. i cant wait to see it.
  15. make stuff that uses the same thickness leather. you can do that easily enough with wallets, tags and such. you specd variations of less than one mm. pick the mid thickness and go with it.
  16. very cool!!!
  17. that is cool, how would it work? would you transfer it to a piece of leather?
  18. I'll drink to that lol. It is getting close to brewing season here. we will be picking chokecherries today then later in the week we will be going out for Service berries. They will be wine for the next winter or two. Apples and such go to Brandy.
  19. Those are fantastic looking!
  20. i call it takin it to the next level. Very nice and clean looking work.
  21. nice work my friend. what is the shoot-out about?
  22. man i haven't had a good stout for ages, i think i may pick some up. Peanut whiskey? thats a combo i haven't heard of.
  23. yea I don't think i would use that, go back to what works.my tip.
  24. If the roofer likes it you nailed it!! Very nice and clean work.
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