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Everything posted by PastorBob

  1. call Springfield Leather and talk to them. Great folks. I was just there this past Saturday. Tell them what you want to do, and they will guide you into purchasing what you need. If you talk to Skyler, congratulate him on his recent engagement.
  2. If your leather products are priced to include the scraps, you could make dog / cat collars and sell them for cheap, donating the extra cash to an animal shelter. Charge enough to cover the hardware and a little for your time, plus whatever you want to donate. You could also make (along the same lines with donations) some of the cancer ribbons...I am thinking ones that are 6-8 inches tall.
  3. @swortsoul I just started playing with the glowforge. If that is what you have, let me know and I can walk you through the setting I used.
  4. Sergey makes a good one and you can get it from Springfield leather. Fairly reasonably priced if I remember correctly. His stamps are designed to line up real nice. SLC can get them to you real quick. (Based on the image in @fredk link above, I believe it is a Sergey stamp as well.
  5. even without the coloration, each one has it's own unique design. Love seeing finished work to inspire me and other crafters. Thanks for taking the time to post the pic.
  6. very nice! Just made an acrylic stamp using that same exact pattern. Letters are SOO hard to get right. You did a nice job.
  7. PastorBob


    Welcome from SW Missouri. Great folks here and willing to help as you start your journey.
  8. This is the patina I referred to in earlier post. Glad you found a solution that met your needs.
  9. Here is one I made using 1/4" clear plexiglass (acrylic) on the glowforge. NOTE: This is for personal use only. Not for resale. Very pleased with the results.
  10. Nice clean carving. The almost looked stamped! Great job!
  11. got pics? I actually had it worse. The antiquing smeared my paints all over the piece. When I asked Tandy guy for assistance, he suggested antiquing / staining first, then painting.
  12. Wow nice detail in the carving as well as the painting! Looks tedious, but great job!!!
  13. I normally just use NFO, but have a project that is laser etched. When i rub in NFO it has a tendency to smear char. AND, I have a whole quart of super shene to work through anyways.
  14. Very nice work! Love the oak motif! One of my favorites. Also really dig the petal lifts you did as well. Welcome to the forum too.
  15. Feibing's Pro does have oil in it. Thanks @tsunkasapa. That's what I needed to know. Just didn't want to ruin my work. Do you recommend cutting it 50/50 with water? Or just straight 100% Super Sheen?
  16. I purchased a quart bottle of Super Sheen (water based) some time back, thinking I would be using mainly eco-flo (water based) dyes. I have since changed direction and am using primarily Feibing's pro dye. My question is, will the water based Super Sheen be an acceptable top coat for the alcohol based dye? Has anyone tried it? If it's a no-go, I can purchase resolene...just didn't want to have to if not necessary. Thanks!
  17. well done. Loved the scenery and seeing your "finished" shop. I am sure there will be more additions and alterations as time goes by. Ever changing.
  18. Beautiful work. Always fun jumping on here and seeing talents and abilities put to work. Any daughter would be proud of that fine piece of craftsmanship, 'specially since its from Dad. I am sure there will be even more conversations regarding your work between the two of you. Thanks for sharing!
  19. lol. no. From original poster....I thought you were the OP, but when I scrolled up, I realized you weren't. Sorry for the confusion.
  20. https://www.ebay.com/itm/112676455088?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=112676455088&targetid=1263104805766&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9023454&poi=&campaignid=10454522066&mkgroupid=121089753086&rlsatarget=pla-1263104805766&abcId=2146002&merchantid=6561224&gclid=CjwKCAjwy7CKBhBMEiwA0Eb7ahbCzlxNzq9iiS3gswyfpuGNUAO8thoWGd1GEYJtoY3MNCNXCShO4hoCDpAQAvD_BwE
  21. That is really sharp. Never seen that before. By the time I get around to it (not a Round TUIT, lol), I will not remember where this post is located.
  22. sciving it may help, before sanding. Still not sure where the fibers are if not on the edge.
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