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Everything posted by cradom

  1. Been thinking about getting one of those machines myself. They sell manuals separate on the Bay too.. Ought to work ok for lined belts and stuff.
  2. Hello from the Beaumont/Port Arthur area Firewalker! Glad to have you with us, and Happy New Year!
  3. Interesting, I might make some. Are you using the hook snaps on the belt loops? Think hard about the brass ring. Lying down on the floor or against a wall might be painful. Or is that the point? Oh wrong forum for that...
  4. My "shop" in what was going to be a nursery for the previous owners. Need to repaint. The metal is a little noisy but should last forever, it's stainless. Neat tip, that yellow jar is a Bayer lo-dose aspirin bottle. Works great for a glue bottle. Drill a hole for a metal parts brush in the top. What you cant see under the top is a Harbor Freight arbor press and LOTS of rags.
  5. I use Mop&Glo cut 50/50 with water, then neutral shoe polish.
  6. From the top of the slotted plate to the part which holds the ram (the ram can go higher) is 4 3/4 inches. The plate is roughly 5/8in thick, not including the pin on the bottom that holds it in place. If you drill a hole deep enough in the ram, tool length shouldn't be much of a problem, unless it's a really long tool.
  7. Filligree blade is used to cut completely through the leather so the piece under it can show through. https://www.google.com/search?q=filigree+leather&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjEvL_5qMbXAhXGxlQKHc74Dv8QsAQIMQ&biw=1920&bih=919 Hollow ground is pretty much a normal blade. Hollow ground refers to the way it's ground into it's final shape. (scroll down) http://www.raphaelstoday.com/Pages/RightToolsForTheJob.aspx Angle blade is used for fine detail work. It's usually smaller and ground to a sharper angle than a regular blade, which is flat. https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=919&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=2jUPWu3CBuvBjwTa4KmQBQ&q=angle+blade+swivel+knife+blade&oq=angle+blade+swivel+knife+blade&gs_l=psy-ab.3...11700.22025.0.22528. There used to be what I called a hair blade, which was wide and made little lines in a row so it looked like hair. Don't know if they still make this. (I guess they do) http://goodsjapan.com/leather-craft-slanted-22mm-filigree-hair-blade-for-tandy-swivel-knife-narrow-450-p.asp
  8. Didn't have any problem getting the .pdf, just got this when I clicked the link:
  9. Thanks for the pattern. However, Firefox throws up a warning about phishing and malware being redirected to a Youtube site?
  10. Unless the stones have a pin incorporated (glued to the back) you'll be better off using some kind of bezel. Check jeweler suppliers and craft places. These can be riveted or sewn to the leather after the gem is set into it.
  11. Does it still have the original cover on? If yes, make a pattern. Or go to walmart and get the cheapest cover you can find and deconstruct it.
  12. Just an FYI: click Submit and wait. This forum is fairly slow. You have 3 posts in a row of the same thing.
  13. Grainger has 90lb load snaps: https://www.grainger.com/product/GRAINGER-APPROVED-Round-Eye-Swivel-Snap-WP43830/_/N-mfi?breadcrumbCatId=4492&s_pp=false&picUrl=//static.grainger.com/rp/s/is/image/Grainger/4PB86_AS01?$smthumb$
  14. Is French chalk the same as soapstone? I got some with a holder. Looking for new uses.
  15. Nice! Those boots look exactly like mine: Ariat, made in China? Comfortable as heck but I wish I'd seen the label first. They were a gift. Is that dragonfly a stamp? or carved?
  16. The cabochon settings, maybe someplace like: https://www.pandahall.com/wholesale-cabochon-settings/701.html Also try these: https://www.google.com/search?q=cabochon+mounts&oq=caboc+mounts&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i7i30k1l2j0i8i7i30k1l2j0i7i5i30k1.9681.9681.0.12154. Might have some luck with some jewelry suppliers.
  17. Just a question out of curiosity: those scalloped pieces under the conchos, are those edges burnished and if so, how difficult is that? Excellent work by the way!
  18. And I just bought a 6 slot pattern last week Thanks a lot for the share!
  19. In case anyone was wondering, 真京底 translates at Google to "Really Jing off the end". I got nothing...
  20. Not to take away from all the cut punches (good idea by the way) but wouldn't something like that be done with a clicker die?
  21. Here's one I built last year. Nothing fancy but I can sit in my desk chair without being hunched over. It's 31in high, the jaws are about 5in wide. https://photos.app.goo.gl/c1LLbIgOBWbA4GRs1
  22. Well, as for pushing needles - this https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/sewing-palm-right-hand As for problems stitching, are you using an awl? Sometimes a pricking iron/ stitching tool wont punch all the way through the leather. I recommend getting a good awl and blade and using that to open holes to stitch. I'm not qualified to recommend a brand but it doesn't have to be expensive. I use a Barry King with a Tandy blade (after much sharpening, will try another brand next time).
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