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Everything posted by YinTx

  1. YinTx

    Brown wallet

    If I recall, there was a tutorial either here or on YouTube, discussing backstitching neatly. It involves reversing the normal needle priority to ensure the thread lays neatly side by side when you backstitch. It is the technique I use, not always to perfect results, but far nicer than just backstitching as you would forward stitch. YinTx Also, this trick:
  2. YinTx

    Brown wallet

    Mirrored my thoughts. A trifling title for an exquisite bit of workmanship! YinTx
  3. Don't know for sure, but I do know it won't turn at all if you don't open the zipper before you stitch that last side on. Don't ask me how I know.... It may work, considering the zipper opening is rather large, and the gusset is pretty large. You'll just have to take it slow and work it. You may get some bend marks in the tooled sides that you didn't want... YinTx
  4. That was an awesome instructional video. Thanks for sharing it! YinTx
  5. Might try Rocky Mountain Leather or Fine Leather Working for a selection of Chevre Chagrin or Chevre Sully leather in a wide variety of colors. YinTx
  6. Nice looking bit of work there, and looks like it is weathering the storm like a champ! YinTx
  7. Congrats! I'm sure folks like Springfield Leather, Cobra sewing, and others sell compatible bobbins. YinTx
  8. agree, to a point. Elle, ProCarver, Craft Japan, Ivan Taiwan, etc. all fall in the spectrum somewhere between 1969 to present Craftools. The older Craftool (1969 and older) IMO are as good and sometimes better. Being handmade, sometimes worse. For your most used tools, BK are worth it agreed. I even have quite a few Robert Beard tools that I really really like. Could I do it all with the Craftools? Yep. Would you be able to tell the difference in my finished product? Probably not unless you were just really familiar with the tools. But I'm glad there is such a variety of tools and toolmakers out there. Now, the Sergey tools are unique, and I'm bettin you'd know when I used those! YinTx
  9. There are many brands out there. But in my opinion and experience, in order of quality/price ratio, from worst to better, starting with don't consider it: A. cheapo tool sets off of ebay/amazon, don't do it. as they tend to bend easy and leave bad impressions. B. z series craftools C. recent cheap craftools - ok to learn with and decide if you like the craft. D. 90's craftools E. 70-80's craftools (very useable, very nice impressions, reasonable to acquire) F. Pre letter craftools (many hand made, very nice impressions, great value for the $$) G. Craftool Pro (excellent quality for price, discontinued) H. Barry King I. Jueschke, Robert Beard, other custom tool makers: These are all incredible high quality tools, and expensive. At this price point, personal preference rules. Hope this helps. H and I are available from the makers, some have very long wait periods. YinTx
  10. Get some vintage ones. Price is still good, and the quality is much better. A lot of us have extras, and are willing to sell them. In fact, I have some for sale in the for sale section of this site. YinTx
  11. Yep, normal. Draws blood every time. I will say normal stitching needles will poke you just looking at them, these at least take a slight effort. I suppose you could blunt them more if you desired, that would just make it a bit more difficult to lock the needle into the thread when you are first threading the needle. Otherwise, do what works best for you. Most of us modify some bit of our tools at some point in the game to get them to do what we need them to. YinTx
  12. Bin it. If n ya can't do that, wash it good with aforementioned solutions, let er dry, and make some tool kit that goes out in the garage with it. Not suitable for EDC stuff imo. And I'd hate to think customers would wonder if I used said hide in their products. YinTx
  13. Grew up with these making a raucous racket every summer living in the desert southwest. Now I live in the South, and was surprised to hear a flock of them thoroughly encompassing my oak tree outside the front door last spring! They were here and gone, just passing through, but I was glad they stopped to rest for a day here. YinTx
  14. YinTx

    Mushrooms and Such

    "Tell em a hookah-smokin caterpillar has given you the call!" Nicely done, like the texturing too. YinTx
  15. YinTx

    Snowman and Girl

    Hahahah this is awesome, love it. YinTx
  16. YinTx

    Baton Case

    Those are nice. Also potential for crossover to the wizarding world of wands! (wait... www...?) YinTx
  17. very compact and clean... I like it! YinTx
  18. That is a piece of art. Colors are awesome, tooling looks great from the photos. A whole lot of work in all that! Congrats on getting it done, and in time for Christmas! YinTx
  19. wow, thats a lot of tooling! Great gift idea! YinTx
  20. Well now you're just showing off! Nice dram, nice sticks, and nice work! YinTx
  21. YinTx

    Bag for Dad

    Fantastic! YinTx
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