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Everything posted by kiwican

  1. That's a good price for both the side and irons!
  2. Just remember bees wax has a flash point. Not boiling point!
  3. Leather wytch is a member here. She makes those shirts. Haven't seen her post in a while tho
  4. kiwican

    Prosthetic Project

    Well done to you both
  5. I stiched a cylinder like this a while ago it did take me a few times to get it right. What I found help me was to tighten and pull the stitches to where I needed them to be every so often. The thread used was just a standard Tandy thread I had laying around. And slow and steady wins the race
  6. Nice. You could use nails or upholstery tacs. They come in different styles. I'm sure you could find something to match the style of the box
  7. I've made one similar to the one shown for a folding blade. Sits nice in the lower back and does not "print" so I'm happy. I like the look of scout carry but I've spent a lot of time in the bush and carryed and still carry items for tactical reasons. My biggest issue is If you slip onto your back you run the risk of hurting your back and or damaging your blade. Both of these things would not bode well. Just my 2 cents anyway
  8. And of course face book is getting dragged over the coals for a huge data beach
  9. Everyone needs a hittin stick! Well done
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