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Everything posted by Bert51

  1. Do you have a manual for this machine, if so is it threaded as per manual? I don't think it's the bobbin, if you could post a picture of the threading, some who knows more then me might be able to help. Can you please post you photo's here, yes it is a pain to resize them, but in time this post may help some one else if they can see all of your post. Bert.
  2. Wow, great photos, I hate to work like they did, I say that's where they got the term "Sweat Shop" from. Would I be wrong thinking, most of those machines and tables would have gone straight to scrap? Bert.
  3. I could not ask anyone to use this guide if you are looking for a true leather sewing machine. These all appear to be domestic sewing machine that may sew light leather. They are what I call Plastic Fantastic machines. Sorry, but you need a better machine to sew leather with any sort of thickness over 1mm. Off soapbox. Bert.
  4. Sorry Silky, but I am yet to play with this type of machine and I am no help for you, but with luck some one will speak and help you. Postage from the U.S. of A is the biggest expense and if you use paypal, they rip you with a low exchange rate. Bert.
  5. As Hildebrand said, for leather use leather chisel point needles for anything else use round point. Leather point needles, can weaken webbing if it cut enough of it. You only to be careful with back stitching with the leather chisel point needles, as the chisel can cut some of you forward sewn threads nicely. I did not notice the first time I did it, but some time later I notices were the back stitch was the thread had gone furry looking. So now I leave enough thread to hand back stitch the last 3 stitches. Bert.
  6. It does not cut the thread all the way through, but cut enough of the thread to made it look messy. If I have to, I leave the top and bottom thread long enough to do 3 stitches by hand. Bert.
  7. Yes, I know it can mess up your stitching real bad.
  8. I love the patina of your table, like dikman said, Character. The motor you got with the table runs all the time, the three speed pulley system is your clutch, if you move the motor and need to change the belt size, they can be a pain. I used this system on a 31K47 and I think it's okay, but I use leather belts on it, they used to click on the hooks all the time, but I fixed that. Have you acquired the hinge part yet? Bert.
  9. Nice knife, very nice. Bert.
  10. Silky, I have a motor and transmitter like that on my Singer 31K47 and I also have a 16K113 that had that setup on it, but it is not set up like that. If you look near the thread stand base I think you will find some holes, that is were the motor should go. I run mine on leather belts as they are the easier to replace, but they can be a pain to set up. I feel it maybe easier to replace that with a sero motor, you can get them for 100 bucks on ebay or Sewing Australia sells the better one for just over double that. I love your table top, it looks like it's solid wood, not particle board like one of mine and look great like dikman said. I love these old tables, I did up my 132K6 table and cleaned up the machine and it looked like a different machine and setup. Bert.
  11. What I know as a Piano mover is a 4 wheeled trolley, you rock the piano up on one end and side the trolley under it, once it under the piano you can push the piano where ever you want it. It sounds like dikman nd I would be no help to you, we'll have to stay home this trip. Bert.
  12. I borrowed one of these from my wifes machine, some years back and never returned it, well she doesn't use it. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Clearance-Plate-Button-Reed-Presser-Foot-Hump-Jumper-for-Sewing-Machines-wa/312957504707 Bert.
  13. I have found that if you low quality products you get low quality results and as I like my machinery, I use the best I can afford, sometime the dearest is not the best. Both Super Lube and Tri-Flow are about as good as it gets, for this type of grease. Bert.
  14. I found it easier to leave the motor on the table , that way two people can handle it easier then one and place it in the boot upside down. The wife and I had little problems putting the top and motor in the boot. Bert.
  15. When I got my Adler 105, I had to travel about a thousand kilo's home, like dikman said undo the 4 main bolts holding it to the table, I was able to wrap mine in an old sheet and put it behind my seat and pushed the seat back and with extra padding, it did not move a faction. I took everything off the top of the table, turned it over and took the legs/frame off and as it was raining cats and dogs, I put the table with motor still attached upside down, in my boot of our car and I put the frame in my trailer. I have done this several times to allow machines to follow me home and found it easy to do with a little bit of help. Bert.
  16. May I ask what program I need to open Vee-Slip Collar? Thanks, Bert.
  17. Did you get your parts Mizzy? Bert.
  18. If he does not know the machine, I would say it is not threaded correctly, if you download the manual and look at page 7 figure 7 it will show you the correct threading for that machine. I think that the top tension is causing the problem. Bert.
  19. This may help when comparing needles. The measurement from Butt to the top of the eye is what is used. Bert.
  20. I use to use Super Lube until the local retailer double the price per tube, I ask a friend who lives in our state capital to get me some and he turned up with Tri-Flow and I have been using it since. So long as it works and it suitable for the application, use it. But they are both top products. Bert.
  21. Yeah maybe, but I use it on any thing and every thing. motorbike or pushbike, even on the ute or the car, I have been using it before i started using it on my sewing machine, after all it is grease.................. and if it needs lubing I use it, except for my wheel bearing, gotta a blue one for that job. Bert.
  22. Did you heat treat the handle area to make it easier to work? Bert.
  23. @YinTx Love your little work rock. Bert.
  24. Tri-Flow was recommended on this forum by gottaknow some time back and now I use it on all my machine that has gears or need a no run lubricant. I also use it on other bits that need a grease type lube and so far it has not disappointed me. I do not care if it is clear or blue, so long as it does what I want it to do. Bert.
  25. I think a lot of people would be very happy to have a set of these coasters on their bar, I know I would and I don't own guns any more. Bert.
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