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Everything posted by alpha2

  1. Lucky GF! That flap is fantastic, great impact against the chocolate.
  2. Heck, they don't always need a hole in a fence. I delivered a couple of dental chairs to Folsom in the '70's. Brought them in with a Chevy van. The boxes were plenty big enough to lay two or three cons in each. The guards lifted the hood, which was fairly tiny, took off the hub caps, checked the glove box, mirrored under the chassis, but never looked in the boxes, either coming in or going out! They had a nice old inmate help move the boxes into the clinic. I asked a guard what he was in for, they said he murdered his family, cut up the bodies and buried them in his back yard. Nicest old grandpa kinda guy you would ever want to meet.
  3. Ah, the mistakes I've made! I did a beautiful sheath for a hatchet, perfect basketweave...decided to put my initial on it. Upside down. Okay, I didn't really decide to put my initial upside down, that part was a no-charge bonus. I did show my trophy wife the pic of the pen line on your piece, though...she looked like I'd described a root canal, or maybe kidney stones. I feel your pain! Jeff
  4. Ah, but what about a stingray Ranger belt? From what I've heard, that stuff is not that easy to sew. Give the client the advert from Thailand, he can see if they'd make him a Ranger belt out the stingray for $250.
  5. Ya'll are gonna have to point out those mistakes you mentioned!!! Exceptional work, as usual. I'm glad you told us who it was for, my first impression was, "where is he going to sit"? Although, you're kinda a skinny dude, too. Jeff
  6. Great first effort on both the holster and the sheath. I'm guessing you learned a LOT on the first sheath. I'd suggest taking what you've learned, and do another identical one, implementing your new-found knowledge and experience. You'll be amazed at the improvement! The knife is rockin', too. Jeff
  7. I will second what Hildebrand said. I've done a few revolver holsters from that book.
  8. Well, Frodo, here's your problem, you're short a room! I've got various presses on two benches in the basement, so had to move the leather shop to a spare bedroom. Now, that's full, and I'm out of rooms! Actually, I've got more rooms, but I've been told by someone in authority that ain't happenin'. What is that mini rifle on the wall? Jeff
  9. Jeff, FYI Square cancelled my account because I had a firearms "related" company. Apparently holsters and training are sins. The other Jeff
  10. Works for me! I haven't delved into the tiny toons bit yet, I should do better with the larger scale stuff first! Looks good, work in progress.
  11. Well, there's tapered, and then there's Ranger Belt. Not in the same ballpark as far as pricing! You sure get the winners, Jeff. Jeff
  12. It does look EXACTLY like the Cessnock hat! Same braided band and snap loop. I'd think that if worn regularly, the rest of the hat will wear in to look just like that spot. We like to call it "character". I think that's Latin for "worn".
  13. OP update... Finally heard from the client. Her brother hooked her up with a hatband, so she wanted to cancel the order. I gave her the refund, gladly. She actually said my service was "stellar", and she'd keep me in mind in the future. I'm thinking of changing my address and email. Jeff
  14. Update by the OP...FINALLY heard from the customer. I explained that I hadn't heard from her in quite some time, no answers to the questions about sizing, tooling. I get a convo back with the size, but no info on tooling. So, I replied again, nothing heard in 4 days. Finally called the number included in her latest response. Voicemail. Days go by... Nada. I do believe it's refund time. Get this, it's for her 94 year old mother. She doesn't realize there's a clock ticking here? I did once have a friend order a sheath for his dad, who passed away after I shipped it. (Dad, not the friend.) Jeff
  15. What tugadude said. Not everyone wants the whole set. I had no trouble reading the ad. There are two different heating units shown, obviously someone could mix the less expensive unit with a couple tips to get started, then buy individual ones later. If it were possible to buy all of the tips as a set, I wouldn't expect to pay $15.00 for them!
  16. What are you going to with all your free time when you finish this project? Oh, yeah! Leatherwork! Jeff
  17. That's where I am on this one. I can wait...it sure is mysterious, though. I have to assume that the "buyer" really loves my work and wants to make a donation. Thanks, Pal!!! Jeff
  18. Probably thinking back to when they bought a "Pair of pants", and only got one item. Life is hard for some.
  19. Well, technically, you've already "advised", right there in the listing. Heck, that even beats "asap"! Jeff
  20. Silver Forge, that's what I was thinking, but that is usually for far less money. $35 a pop to test card numbers would get expensive in a hurry! Mark, that's a thought, I might try that. It has been the hatband each time. Thanks, Jeff
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