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Everything posted by alpha2

  1. I'm in Fort Collins, Colorado, which is between Denver and Cheyenne, Wyoming. I'm actually heading up to Cheyenne Tandy today. It's only about 40 minutes away, and it gets me out of the house for a couple of hours. Denver has at least three Tandy stores, but I don't go there since I retired. Cheyenne doesn't have the selection that the Denver stores have, but they have everything I need right now. If I had to order online, I wouldn't be ordering from Tandy. So, Tandy seems to be doing okay in the US. But I think it's mostly local people, and those that haven't priced other online outlets, or those that don't know what good leather looks like. Jeff
  2. I do use 9/10oz Horween Chromexcel for a lot of belts that aren't going to be tooled. The Chromexcel stretches a bit, so I like the thicker leather. Firmer leathers don't need to be that heavy, though. I also use bridle leather, and veg-tan for tooled belts. The only stuff that I do that would be thicker than 9/10oz are gunbelts, and they are lined for the rigidity two layers can offer. Jeff
  3. The link works for me. At the very top of the "how do I do that" page, the first link is to hidepounder's posts.
  4. Well, now she has to get a new bassoon! Nice job. I imagine you learned a few things on that project. Jeff
  5. Wait! "Two of your sisters"??? How many siblings do you HAVE? What exactly is a-goin on at Roland Ranch? Y'all got some kinda compound there??? Slightly off topic, Jenny and I watched a video on YouTube today, of someone turning a pen from burl, she has a new appreciation of her pen now! Jeff
  6. I didn't realize what Joanna has done for us here, until it was gone! Full disclosure, yes I did. I do depend on this forum a LOT, though! Thanks! Jeff
  7. Forum started working fine again yesterday for me. Still good this AM. Jeff
  8. Excellent sheath!!! Interesting blade, too. Jeff
  9. Yeah, way back when, we had the CrackerJack uniform, with the dixie cup hat, but that's all changed now. In the '70's we had the Donald Duck hat, you know, no brim? Now THAT was a throwback! You're right, the only difference between us and Navy was the shield on the right sleeve. That, and we could wade ashore in an emergency.
  10. Funny stuff right there! I'm ex-Coast Guard, and we didn't secure buildings. Mostly boats, ships, an occasional aircraft. Heck, if we can just secure a little respect as a branch of the armed forces, we're pretty much GTG. Jeff
  11. I've been a certified instructor in a number of things. I'm NOT an instructor in leatherwork. However, as in many other things, I can remember what I had trouble with, and what helped me. When I see someone having issues with something that I recently had trouble with, I can relate to them what I found that helped. That is the extent to what I will expound upon. It's like when people have said, "you don't have kids, what could you know?" Well, I remember when I was a kid, and that is far more important. I know what worked with me, and what didn't. I have learned more on this forum than the many videos linked to. Second, would be the video links. Wow, how did people do this without the internet? If a new member asks a question about something I struggled with, I don't hesitate to put my two cents worth on what worked for me. It may not work for them, but I feel they deserve an opinion from another newbie, that has found a way that worked, and may allow them to continue on their journey. I would NEVER offer advice on something that I don't yet have a clue about. I do, however, admit that others might not be that honest. It's like anything...ANYTHING on the internet...take it for what it is, and apply the smell test. Jeff Oh, and thank you all for all your advice on this forum! I couldn't have done it, whatever IT is, without you! I mean that.
  12. Also, note how when items are cut to exact final size before dyeing, they aren't so much after dyeing! Cut a bit oversize, dye and dry, then cut to final size. Hope this helps. Jeff
  13. Now that I know where you live! Utilatu00 is located, if some unfortunate accident should befall him, I'm next in line. Just sayin'
  14. If that's going on a duty belt, they tend to be fairly thick, so take that into consideration. Fitting that one to the belt should tell you where to go size wise on the slots. Nice work, though!
  15. I did that thing with the long ruler on the front of the table. Eventually had to put some "stop" bits off the ends of the ruler. As I worked, apparently I slid along the front edge of the table and moved the ruler out of the clips. Metal ruler, lot of noise, scared the heck out of the dog. Okay, it startled me a bit too. Jeff
  16. Project language...I'm using that from now on. No more cussing for me!
  17. I'm sure you couldn't fine one locally, like THAT! Excellent job.
  18. Well, that's just spectacular! Love the seaweed edges, didn't know that was a thing. Jeff
  19. Nice first project! I also had a flashlight sheath where the velcro wore out almost immediately. Only time I've seen that. And I've seen a LOT of velcro! And, cussing at the leather is an ancient and proven method. Jeff
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