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Everything posted by Rockoboy

  1. G'day Doug, South of Perth W.A. here I suggest looking around your local area to see if there's a Leatherworkers Association, club, guild or similar. Heaps of things you can learn and people to bounce ideas off. Most important thing of all … Have fun with it.
  2. I have 2 pieces of granite about 3/4" thick, tile adhesive glued together. It's solid and I don't think I will ever break it. It's got strength from the grain running in different directions, just like ply wood.
  3. Very neat work on all these pieces. I like them all.
  4. Nice knife and sheath, but .. the retainer strap appears to be an afterthought.
  5. Hi Tim, All of your projects look pretty good to me. Are you maybe, being a little hard on yourself by seeing blemishes that are not really a blemish, but a "design feature"? Keep up the good work.
  6. I wish this was closer to where I am.
  7. I like the numbers, good use of a natural feature (as natural as it came to you anyway).
  8. Thickness? Size of the piece you need?
  9. The underbelly in the pic looks like its undyed, maybe some NFO to texture it a bit.
  10. Another factor to consider when cutting some materials that are less desirable (like chrome tan leather, PVC, polycarbonate etc) is the gas given off can coat the lens. This coating will etch the surface thereby reducing the effectiveness of the machine. This coating and the damage will require the replacement of the lens.
  11. I am not an expert, but I think anything handsewn is done by hand, and there is no good way to duplicate that handsewn appearance with a machine. IMHO.
  12. WOW! She … turned it DOWN? Such a great looking piece of luggage. I especially like the lining fabric, that's a very nice twist.
  13. I am following this thread to see what the 'experts' come up with. I think the press idea could work over a large area if there was a thick top plate placed on top of the stamp/die/embossing plate. I bought, in a pile of second-hand gear, some stubby-holders (I think USA call them drink coozies?) with designs that were around 4 inch X 3 inch from memory.
  14. I never stitch across a strap or belt like I see in your pics. I found a really nice watch on the ground many years ago. The band had failed along the stitch line and the owner had not noticed when it fell off his wrist. Think of that stitch line like the serrations between 2 postage stamps. I wonder if the leather in your 1st pic is a pull-up leather, so its designed to show wear and tear as it ages. . As for darkening a line along the edge, you could try some antique.
  15. I totally agree. A couple times I have responded to requests for information about where to get some item, or a good repairer, when the person has not stated their rough location. I don't bother anymore. If somebody needs to protect their location so badly, I will respect their wish by not requesting their details to compose my reply accordingly.
  16. I have to agree with this sentiment. Unfortunately, there has also been a smear cast across all fund-raising charities. Apparently some (or all) are retaining a portion of the funds "for future disaster events". So, they are not distributing funds to the people the donations were intended for. Red Cross, S. Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army plus others have been mentioned in the media for not distributing funds adequately. I have no idea if any or all allegations are true.
  17. Good job. The red thread really pop's against the black textured leather. I like it all.
  18. I have no idea, but in the interest of spit-balling, maybe the leather was being made thinner In the 40 - 50's, so it breaks down more than the older better quality leather. As for the leather falling apart after applying a sealer or leather balm, maybe the leather is past its use-by date, just hanging together until the moisture causes total failure. Disclaimer: I have no idea, maybe somebody with some real knowledge will be along soon.
  19. I think I can see a 3D printer in my immediate future!
  20. Is it possible to print this type of thing with a smooth surface? That grooved surface might be undesirable to a lot of people.
  21. Unfortunately firebreaks will not stop a fire of this intensity. Hazard reduction burns done in the cooler months are the only way to reduce the severity of the wildfires. The green movement has a lot to answer for in forcing a reduction in this type of preparation for the fire season.
  22. I know Abbey England have some horse tack.
  23. I think I have been recommended to get Singer 111 feet for my 227R copy. Somebody who knows will be along real soon, hopefully.
  24. The handle could be as easy as a piece of rod with a hole in the end. Done on a lathe if you have one available, or rod held in a drill vice if you don't. If there's more than one size, make a few. Job done.
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