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Everything posted by Northmount

  1. You need to resize and post your pictures here. See this thread for helps and suggestions.
  2. It might help to show a picture of the inside of the cover too to see best way of attaching a 'patch' or 'plate'.
  3. @hightideclyde Moved your post to Marketplace > Items For Sale > Machinery -- Sewing and Stitching > Used Please review the marketplace rules here
  4. I was wondering about that, but you had to be signed in to post, so I thought, has to be something else! Strange things we do sometimes without realizing it. Have a great day!
  5. This zip file works just fine. It is located on the LW server. You need to check what's wrong on your end. I just downloaded it to check that it hadn't been corrupted. I assume you are using the post just a few above this one and not some old post. https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/46571-medievalrenaissancefantasy-pattern-pack/?do=findComment&comment=676155 If you aren't using this one, you need to.
  6. Zip file here downloads just fine. If you are trying to use the RAR files, you need to know a lot more to be able to use them. They are posted a few times throughout this thread if you take the time to scroll through the thread.
  7. Some suggestions and helps for resizing photos in this post. Really nice job.
  8. Thank you! We appreciate compliments now and then. To all leather workers out there, have a great day, hopefully every day, but I know better. Some days are much better than others.
  9. New speed will be 89% of the original speed. I doubt you will really notice much difference.
  10. @MissyLee You need to read the marketplace rules and comply. You need full descriptions, condition of machines, etc. price in US$. You should probably break this up into several posts under the applicable areas.
  11. @AmericanPatrol Moved your post to the Marketplace > patterns etc. This is where for sale items should be posted.
  12. Yes, measured a belt on a pair of pants in his closet, that he hadn't worn for 2 years! Nice job above!
  13. From the OP's first post "I am located in alliance, oh and the machine is currently set up in my heated pole building I use as my hobby shop." His profile shows the same.
  14. OP has only made this one post, and hasn't answered any queries. Locking and moving to old/sold
  15. The OP hasn't answered any queries and hasn't been around for a couple months, so we must assume he/she isn't interested. I will lock and archive this post in old/sold.
  16. When I downloaded the photos from your host, they were around 400kB so would fit. They could be sized smaller down to say 1280 x 1024 pixels approximately and be even smaller. I didn't check to see if there was a choice of resolution for the downloads, but if there is, it may be an easy method for you to use.
  17. Nope! It is better to keep related items in one thread, especially the development of a project. I'm going to merge the threads into one and do a little cleanup.
  18. Yes, we have an issue. Third party links are often broken due to the person posting the links changing permissions, moving the file, or deleting the file. Sometimes the third party changes their protocols or goes out of business. The post and often the thread become useless to future readers. When you come across posts with broken links that had the info you wanted, maybe you will understand how frustrating that can be. Please refer to this post for helps and suggestion on how to reduce your file size to fit the restrictions here. Please post your photos on this site.
  19. @Mrgadget Moved your post to leather sewing machines
  20. If you want to post more photos, reduce the file size. See this post for some helps and suggestions.
  21. Yes, I passed 70 a few years ago.
  22. Please specify your location. You could add it to your profile. This site has members from all over the globe.
  23. Please start you own new thread. Please review the marketplace rules and comply. I'm locking and archiving this thread since it is old (over 60 days) and OP hasn't relied to queries.
  24. Age is no friend of mine. It's like an old car, everything is breaking down! Everything was fine until about 50. Then it's all down hill since.
  25. @JREESER1 I'd run a virus checker on your system if this was coming up for me. I've seen similar things like this come up after the person had been playing games or visiting an unreliable site. The person could not exit the screen, nor do a normal shutdown. They had to force a shutdown to get out of it.
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