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Everything posted by TacticallySharp

  1. Look a the vendors at the top of the site... I like the Cobra Class 3 for all my work. Call Steve the owner, and he will help you find the best one in your budget range for you. Even if its brand not carried by him. In some instances he may be able to help you find financing that will help you, especially if you have enough to put down to get as low a rate as possible. Hope this helps you...
  2. Walmart, and mickael coalsel
  3. Sorry I did not see this sooner. Between my customers request, and some issues old folks get, and the Doctors involved I haven't been on the site much. Now 2018 the knife is based on a Chan Design. It was suggested by JC, it's his modified version of this model of knife. I have not had any problems using it in either hand. I use it in my left one about 60% of the time, and the right hand about 40% of the time. I also use both hands 100%+100%=200% of the time when I'm eating! LOL...
  4. I started young in life. In the beginning when I started charging I would charge about 10% less than what was the going price for the same quality items at the area shows. I always kept 20% of the money collected for future in vestments. Paid myself 25% of what I charged as a wage. I raised my pricing at every show. I had a shop cost code one every style item on my table. I did not price anything. I would say I'm about 10% less than what simular quality items are here at the show. I would allow them to pay me. If the price they were offering to pay me was not equal to or more than my code then I would say I was not ready to sale that piece yet. Most cases they would pay more than I though it was worth. Now 20 years later I have set my prices. I'm one of the higher priced folks at the show. I do not lower my prices. If it does not sell at this show I pull it from the next show the third show it's back on my table as a new added item ..
  5. I posted it on my personal FB page for my leather craft friends to see...
  6. I still have Tandy tools from my cub scout set of tools. From when I was 10 years old. I still buy an occasional tool from them. Most of my older tools are Midaus NW gold tools. Very expensive these days. Most of my new tools are Barry Kings. Reasonable price for great quality tools. Check them out... The last photo shows 3 of my 7 Barry swivel knives. I've added 2 more in the last year...
  7. I use piece of cleaned empty platic milk container. Works pretty well for me. I glue it with paper glue. It comes off pretty easy when I done...
  8. A good instrutable is found here: https://www.google.com/amp/www.instructables.com/id/Battle-Ready-Leather-Armor/%3famp_page=true I'v made several sets of armor including my own. I use 12 to 15 oz leather for clients. Mine the first one I did was two layers of 8 oz Barge glued together. I've never colored the inside. I always wear a T-SHIRT, and running shorts under it. I used leather that came dyed black from the tanner. Over time about three years of hard weekend use it started to lose color on the inside due to wear. We left it that way to show age,and battel wear. I'm interested in hearing if, and how others do it too. These are the only photos on my nee cellphone of armor related items as I only make custom armor for a very small group. I do not solicit that kind of work.
  9. The patch is a great way to do this. If you do not have the skills to tool it go to a used clothing store, and buy an old cowboy belt. Cut a piece that you like, and attach it to the holster. A lot simpler than tooling a patch.
  10. I first use a large metal thumb guard from a fabric store. Then found a leather craft palm guard which i use today. I have both a left, and a right hand one hanging on my tool rack with in easy reach. Most leather suppliers carry them. For finger protion when pull thread I used small gator front leg skins, until my friend that hunted them past away. Now days I use rhino skins manufactured by the owner of Rhino Knifes in San Monica, CA. ***Edit: He makes them for knife makers to wear while grinding, since I'm also a bladesmith I have several pairs of these in both shops.*** These work very well for me.
  11. With friends and family I've done similar things. My mistake is mine. If a regular client does not check off right, or left. I normally do not start till they do. An email with the answer is enought to start. I cc my starting email response to myself including the email sent to me as part of the response. That way no problems for either of us...
  12. I just line it with some other thinner leather, or a small scrap piece of exotic as a bonus no extra change to my client for this well deserving knife. The other option I save the piece for the next slightly smaller sheath for a LH, or RH client. Hopefully the piece will be for a LH person. That will give me the reason as a bladesmith to forge me another knife! LOL...
  13. I like it! Very nice, I've been a LOTR follower since before the movies...
  14. Just saw this. I have 8 BK SKs. 4 with custom yokes, and a fully custom one of a kind he made me which I sent to Sandi Sturgeon to custom engrave to my specs. I never have had an issue with blades, or anything from is shop. Great products, nice staff, and fast delivery every time. Hope you contacted him to resolve your issue! Photo of my full custom...PicPlayPost_20171114_14_32_33.mp4 https://m.facebook.com/sandi.sturgeon.52
  15. As a bladesmith that forges custom knives, and has two handcrafted semi-production lines I craft a lot of sheaths, holsters, and hathet edge covers. I also do some reenactment pieces, and leather aromor. Plus all the small stuff from scrap leather most makers put on their show tables...
  16. This is my third leather studio-shop in the last 14 years. Prior to the three I worked out of a 2x4' closet. The one I will be showing is mainly the main bench of my 12.5x16" spare master bed room in the far side of my Florida home. Fully environmently controlle with 5500K overhead lighting, LED spot lighting, and a magnifying LED craft like. The tools I use nearly daily are on this bench. I have a couner height workbench behind me that has a couple of rivet, tool presses on it, a 6" leather skiver, and more tools. I currently have a collection of 400 midas stamps, nearly 200 USA Craftools, and a few unmarked one. I have room left there if I need to expand. I will be setting up a small shop this summer in our North Carolina vacation home, God willing! That way we can spent a few weeks with our grandkids in the mountains.
  17. This is my third leather studio-shop in the last 14 years. Prior to the three I worked out of a 2x4' closet. The one I will be showing is mainly the main bench of my 12.5x16" spare master bed room in the far side of my Florida home. Fully environmently controlle with 5500K overhead lighting, LED spot lighting, and a magnifying LED craft like. The tools I use nearly daily are on this bench. I have a couner height workbench behind me that has a couple of rivet, tool presses on it, a 6" leather skiver, and more tools. I currently have a collection of 400 midas stamps, nearly 200 USA Craftools, and a few unmarked one. I have room left there if I need to expand. I will be setting up a small shop this summer in our North Carolina vacation home, God willing! That way we can spent a few weeks with our grandkids in the mountains. Now the photos. Including some of my custom tools if I have them on my cellphone.
  18. Also known as nail polish remover. I borrow the wife's every now, and again. When I go to the store I buy three new bottles. One for her, one for me, and one for the shop.she just loves that I think about her when I'm shopping..
  19. In my case in a past life fresh out of college I was an Accountant. Worked based on time that we charged clients for, as time progressed I left accounting as a CPA, and went into commercial photography again charged base on time. As a photographer I had nackgound sound in all my shoots, and at both studios. I keep a clock at each eand of my shop, and a paper planner with start, and finish times. I transfer the info to my cellphone program Microsoft One Note, store info on the cloud. Access and update it on my shop computer, to keep track of time, and materials cost. Being abladesmith also iuse the same system so I can keep track of production, and custom work in each place. I have different hourly rates: leather at $50 ph, forged knives at $80 ph. Smaller items take a shorter time to do mainly, and less time means lower price. I'v been in leather for 50+years, full time for 12 years. Knifemaking for 20 years, full time bladesmith for 8+. Most important I have a following that buys my knives, thus my sheaths for them, either production, or custom... I charge total cost of materials plus 15% for handling. Also remember the cost of tools, expansion of tools, cost of space, and utilities. They all need to be covered in/by your hourly rate. Cost of website, and social media time to promote yourself. . You need to determine your rate, and remember custom, and handmade cost more than store bought. It's unique, and an item that will be the only one like it in the world. No two no matter how good you are, are every the same... If you sell your craft, and it all sells fast with no one saying how expensive it is. You are below the price of your work. I do both of my crafts as a full time craftsman. If they believe it is good enough to buy, so will the next prospect. I only discount price to military, veterans, first responders, and clients buying very large volume of production items at the same time. Hope this helps you. Edit: I'm a one man shop full time craftsman opening a summer shop in NC at my vacation home in Haywood county this summer. That way we can spend the summer there with our grandkids for some added family time...
  20. You are welcome!
  21. My most popular one is the G19, followed by the 1911, and the hammerless SW J frame. Starting the get the G42 and42 lately. Both IWB pouches and OWB pancakes.
  22. I found the original yellow/red to work better than any other one I tryed. Got their tinner too. I add some to my glue about every 2-3 months.
  23. I make mine out of 2-3oz leather. Hole for a ribbon. I have 8 ribbon colors. I let the client pick the color. Praying hands, and crosses with gold colored ribbon sell the most. Mainly for Bible's
  24. You need to cut a few till you get what you like on scrap letter, then cuarve your final piece.
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