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Everything posted by RockyAussie

  1. Hope it goes well and let us know if you have any problems on how to use. I have had a few and fixed a few over the years.
  2. That would be around a $1000 au over this side if it goes OK. I would love to have one.
  3. Excellent ideas. Thank you for sharing Ron. I like the first 2 best as well.
  4. I was nearly come and visit ya about a job till I saw the Tippman Boss at the end. I though you was gonna say hand stitched. Still I can understand you being tired all the same.
  5. RockyAussie

    Bicycle Bottle Caddy

    I reckon the saddler might be a excellent teacher but I think you might have filled up a fair bit on that energy drink first. The one in this picture here I'd say. I think I need some of that but I can't read the language. Regards Brian
  6. RockyAussie

    Bicycle Bottle Caddy

    Very quick work for such a good outcome Thor. I assume Libri is some type of energy drink. Looks like grog and that just does not make any sense. Wrong bike type.
  7. Just remember that what cased the problem as machinehead and Constabulary pointed to, the thread must hook down through the thread tension return spring. Check when you have the thread all laced up and that with the feet down when you pull the thread it will pull through and the thread tension spring moves up and down freely. Regards Brian
  8. If it stitches leather and canvas Ok then I would say the needle location is correct. This type of webbing is likely deflecting the needle at times when it finds the easiest path through the webbing. I have to say I would be tempted to try changing to a thread that holds together better if possible and also try changing the needle to a new one as sometimes that's all it takes however good it may look. Other than that try a bit more foot pressure and a longer pull up on the thread tension take up spring lastly. Regards Brian
  9. AH HA. I've only seen this type with electrical adjustments.Is the foot mechanically adjustable on this one as I don't see the control board? Would love to see some clearer close up pics. OBTW congratulations.Regards Brain
  10. When you turn the corner check that if the needle is out, that when it goes back in with the thread that the thread is on the right side of the needle when it enters..
  11. Thanks for that Tor, I was hoping to get one from here in Australia but as you see above "nobody really buys them" . I guess that's because of the difficulty in getting a price here. I wish there was a Campbell Randall here or at least an agent.
  12. I will have to try and see if I can get some here I think. I think though that your work would look very excellent any-ways.
  13. Beautiful clean professional looking Quality.
  14. Hi Wizcrafts, After 25 years or so of contract making stuff for all sorts, we (my wife and I) have made up a web page to go online and with any luck hope to obtain some better profit margin. I know you are way, way, waaaay more up on the computer side of things than I am and would like your opinion on our new site. I am thinking of putting it on my profile as I see some others do on here as well. Whenever we do new croc products we often make quite a few beforehand in leather to get the techniques sorted out. As we don't have a shop as such and are tucked away in the bush out of town this web think may be the best way to recoup some costs. Any advise as to how to get things rolling would be most appreciated. If you would prefer not to, That's OK I won't be offended. Note - I have sent the same question to Mikesc as well and If you think anyone else would be good for advise please let me know. Here is the link I hope. Regards Brian https://wildharry.com.au/

    1. Wizcrafts


      Am I correct in assuming that the website in your link belongs to you? Or is it a competitor being used as an example? If it is your website, it looks good and has Lazy Loading of the image blocks, plus it is responsive to different screen sizes. Further, the site is on https and has a working SSL connection, which is imperative for an eCommerce website.

      There is an unfortunate second vertical scrollbar on the right side of the viewport, in my Firefox 49.0.2 browser. It appears at 1023px and under and disappears at 1024px and above. It is probably caused by a poor choice of a height declaration in the CSS file. This is undoubtedly a breakpoint declaration that uses an @media rule. You should hunt down that rule and fix whatever is causing the unnecessary vertical scrollbar.

      Again, working on the assumption that it is your domain, you can advertise it via a Google Adwords campaign and might further monetize it by becoming an AdSense Publisher, displaying ads for other related websites.

      Other than that, what would you like to know specifically?

    2. RockyAussie


      Thanks for such a quick and no doubt helpful answer. Yes it is my new site, and I will get my computer guy to look at and hopefully fix the points you have mentioned on Monday. The Lazy Loading thing has me worried - Is that bad? I unfortunately have no idea as yet what the Google Adwords campaign and the other stuff is but I now know what to look into and thanks very much for your help. Regards Brian

  15. Looks pretty promising to me. A good thorough strip down a brass bristle rub on the grinder and I reckon she'll be a goer. Hows the pin that opens the tension discs? Not rusted in?
  16. Interesting find, but I would point out for any beginners that if tempted to use hydraulic oil that the red stuff could be disastrous with any leaking down onto the leather. I have often been worried after a good oiling, about the transfer onto the products being made and I can say that the Singer sewing oil has always dried without leaving any sign. I have no idea if it"s possible to get any readily available non coloured hydraulic oil. Best Regards Brian.
  17. Note: I have noticed in the past when doing long knives like this after a while they start to bow down a lot in the middle. I have made a practice of putting a sacrificial piece of hard veg on the 2 ends on top to help counteract it but a little build up weld on ends would be better if using a lot. If the bow goes too far the next thing is wanting to go sideways as well and you know what that means. Regards Brian
  18. From someone that uses these edgings every day I can only commend your bravery using red (the worst colour for getting off excess) in the way that you have. May I ask what application technique you decided to use in this case? Regards Brian
  19. From my experience I find that it is best to repeat hit a couple of times moving the knife and leather between hits to avoid any missus. This I do on tassels mostly and I don't know if I would try 20" long fringes in any hurry. (no ejection rubbers either I should add).
  20. Right pace and time I must say. Post some pics and say what parts you're chasing and I ask down here. Regards Brian
  21. Both clicker presses I have , have an aluminium plate at top and the double sided knives have not given any problems but these are just the regular 19mm knives for wallets and such.
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