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Everything posted by Retswerb

  1. Cool! Is it a wall hanging, or going to go onto another project?
  2. Retswerb

    Laser engraved oak

    That’s a surprisingly clean impression. Looks fairly big but I can’t tell scale easily in your pics - how big is it?
  3. Top notch once again. The coloring touches on this one really set it off.
  4. Excellent! That’s nice looking leather and you put it to good use.
  5. You can start out with that Tandy knife just fine if that’s what your budget, like mine, allows. Just know that you’ll have some sharpening work to do once it’s in your hands.
  6. If I ever see this printed on a tokonole container I’ll assume you’re living large on your royalty check
  7. That’s cheery! Thanks for sharing.
  8. Take a deep breath, @fredk. Your presence and advice on this forum are valuable and respected. Go for a walk and come back tomorrow, no one here is attacking you.
  9. I’m with @Brigg on this one, @fredk. The seller talks plenty about shipping from the UK, but manufacture isn’t mentioned. Then I found the statement on their website that “Blades and Blanks operates in the major regions of the world such as, South Asia, Middle East ,Australia,North America and Europe and, making our fine collection at the doorstep of the natives. “ ( https://jayger.co.uk/about-us/ ) I have no idea what they consider the ‘doorstep of the natives’ but I doubt it’s their UK office. EDIT: Might still be a fine knife, I just don’t see reason to share your confidence based on what’s in the listing. Do you have personal experience with them?
  10. That nice too, but I meant the iPod nano on the right, which... maybe you haven’t seen in a while either?
  11. Your stuff looks quite nice. For any others interested, the direct link is https://www.etsy.com/shop/ReliquariaMedieval
  12. Those are excellent! Great job using your resources well. How bad were the fumes when you melted down the cartons?
  13. Really nice work, I especially like the bottom one in the first pic.
  14. Killer bench! Haven’t seen an iPod like that in a while...
  15. I like that finish a lot too. Picks up the light but not overly glossy. Nice job, looking forward to the second pic.
  16. You’re right - that’s much better. Makes the proportions look much more right. Nice job.
  17. Keep that up and you’ll definitely know what you’re doing! Nice work.
  18. Glad to have you here, @MsEdna - looking forward to seeing your work.
  19. Went on a day trip yesterday with my family, figured we’d cross the Cascades and see a little sunshine. Had a great drive up and over Snoqualmie pass, out to Wenatchee, then up past Lake Chelan and on up the Columbia River. Snow, sun, hills, water - what a sight. Deer, too - on a ridge across a valley, on a hillside right next to us, and then, yes, bounding across the road in the dark on our way home as I stomped on the brakes and slammed into the poor doe. The van is totaled it seems, but the one dog and five humans in the van are all fine. We found a hotel and had a heck of a time this morning 250 miles from home coordinating getting us all out of a town with no rental agencies and only one bus trip out per day. Home safe now and reflecting on how grateful I am that we’re all fine, and together. A simple reminder that life is short and can change in a heartbeat. Hug your loved ones and speak your love for them aloud.
  20. Your attention to detail on this is absolutely top notch. Design, tooling, coloring, stitching, all the boxes are checked. Really nice work.
  21. Nice job, that’s an awesome gift.
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