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Everything posted by PastorBob

  1. I agree that it is fun to see all the organizational ideas on here. Very resourceful way of keeping what you need close. Nice job on the round knife sheath. You can't beat a good basketweave. Hopefully, by this time next year, I will have my shop built. It will be 15' x 40'. Beats the 12 x 12 bedroom I am using now. Should give me a little room to maneuver.
  2. PastorBob

    Cigar Case

    I love the color. what did you use to keep the flap down? magnet? snap? or is it just held down naturally with no assist?
  3. Like the addition of Yosemite Sam. It really shows up well on the natural colored one, but the image on the red one is a little harder to see.
  4. That is some nice detail. What thickness leather did you use? How did it affect the grip thickness in one's hand?
  5. maybe some of these videos will work to assist. https://www.google.com/search?q=PFAFF+335+H2&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS923US923&oq=PFAFF+335+H2&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30l5j0i390j69i60.1968j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 or this search...
  6. Also, are you punching your holes before or after dyeing? After is much better, dye can't sit in the holes then.
  7. Nice job, Chuck. I like how you have the slots and can still use on your belt if so desired. Belts don't go well with overalls, so this works perfectly when the occasion arises. Could probably even conceal it under the bib (should strap would still show).
  8. +1. I normally measure the distance I am stitching, multiply that by 4, then add a bit for thread length. I use .8mm thread and saddle stitch. Most of the dye transfer is on the ends which are cut off when done.
  9. PastorBob

    Camera case

    very impressive. Nicely done. Stitching looks impeccable.
  10. Pretty ingenious, Frodo. Never seen such. Great idea. Also love the magazine holders.
  11. If it were me, I would use adjustable straps and the table below so you can make all of them. Say, use a velcro attachment of some sort. And welcome to the forum.
  12. What a find, Chuck. Thanks for sharing!!! Good read!
  13. Welcome aboard from SW Missouri. I am sure many including @Wizcrafts will be able to assist with your Adler 30-1.
  14. Welcome from SW Missouri. Great place to learn a bunch about leather...and other things.
  15. Very impressive. Love the inlay / underlay. Keep on keeping on.
  16. I love his stamps. They are also now available at Springfield Leather. Shipping may be more reasonable stateside.
  17. That sucks! Another good name getting ruined by trying to make things "more efficient" at the cost of a customer.
  18. That is a beautiful rig. I am not familiar with Cowboy shooting...are you limited to 10 rounds (6 in revolver + 4 in loop?) . If so, makes sense there are only 4 loops. Is there another reason for only 4? @blue62
  19. Welcome from SW Missouri. Those are nice . May consider adding some medieval theme stamping / carving to them as well, or dragon scales. Those should move off the shelves or maybe hit a dragon-con show.
  20. Well done. Love the multi-color. Does the cover have a welt too? Couldn't tell from the pics. Nicely done.
  21. Very impressive. Your carving is impeccable.
  22. Very nice indeed. Love the contrasting thread color. Definitely matches the grip of the pistol.
  23. very sharp. Great photos too. Nicely done.
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