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Everything posted by Rockoboy

  1. Can I get a copy of your excel spread sheet, thanx.
  2. Just the bits I pick up from peeking in windows ... and perusing these forums.
  3. Rockoboy

    New Artwork

    Its a carton. You can't worry about details like that in a cartoon!
  4. Hmmmm ... when you make armour like that, you get girls like the 3rd last pic? I gotta find me some armour patterns!!
  5. That picture looks so real, I hope it does not get fleas, or termites in the timber! Stunning work worth serious money!
  6. I think the main consideration is the spirit in which the banter is delivered. A little bit of banter can be ok, but outright sledging to upset the opposition is, IMHO, cheating. Play the game on your ability, not inside the other guys head. I am a few months north of 50 (about 62 months in fact), so I don't remember Bodyline, but I do remember World Series Cricket. Those were the days!
  7. This is pretty much all I do. I have found out a few home-truths ... the most important is ... some leather is thicker than cereal box cardboard, so allowing for the thickness is a MUST!
  8. I am not an expert in photography or computers or phones ( my phone is my only camera), but what I have found is ... if I email the pic to myself, it reduces it to a reasonable size, so I can post multiple pics per post.
  9. Thanks for pointing that out! I had not noticed or thought about it. Sometimes being off centre like this can be OK. The least desired option, IMHO, is close but no cigar. Excellent job. I like the colour.
  10. I know you said it's hard to come by for you, but I use lambs-wool hide, that's about 1" x 2". If its got too much height, I cut the wool down so it's only about 3/8" high and I use a rubber glove. (If the wool is left long, it sucks up a heap of dye, which is wasted in the wool). I could be wrong, but I think the problem with daubers is the size of the wool. When the dauber is loaded with dye, 1st touch on the leather dumps a heap of dye right there, and you end up with a dark patch. All the surrounding areas are then dyed with that same dauber which has less dye on it, there's your lighter patches. I tried to dip dye some leather once. That was mildly successful. I used a cheap oven tray that is about 3/4" deep and about 20" X 11", but the whole thing came out really dark. Do you have space and ability to spray? Apparently it does not give the same penetration into the leather, so I have heard, but it can give great looking results. Some people suggest a coat of pure neatsfoot oil before or after dye is applied. I think this is supposed to help the dye to even out its penetration and coverage, but I have not tried for myself yet.
  11. Touche'! I hope they leave the sandpaper in the workshop this time!
  12. I totally agree with you Harry. No apology required. If I was making original pieces for customers or developing concepts, I would be more careful. My market is myself, family, friends, work colleagues etc so I have no need to worry.
  13. I agree. It does not matter so much about the cost of the item. It's the quality of that item that makes it worth buying if it's good, or not buying at any price if it's not up to standard.
  14. How long is a piece of string and what is it worth? Is the string old or new, what's it made from, is it coated in oil, worn, stretched and unusable? I am not an expert or even semi-knowledgeable on sewing machine prices in your neighbourhood, but I would suggest, with the information as you have provided, you have asked the unanswerable question. Maybe with a model number, condition report (which might be questionable depending on who writes it) and a couple pics, you might be able to get an indication of a rough-maybe-ballpark figure.
  15. One important point the nobody has made ... pics or it didn't happen! Don't be afraid to post your efforts. Mine are quite amateurish, but I still post them. Posting pics is one of the best ways to get feedback on how to do things differently and/or better. Above all else, the most important thing is "Enjoy what you do".
  16. WOWOWOW!! That is so nice, definitely not my idea of plain either. Excellent job, AND the natural handmade elements add to a beautiful job.
  17. Very nice job. I like the attention to detail, like the stitching on the keeper that matches the belt. Is it one layer, stitching for show?
  18. Ummm ... That is over 46 kilograms! YOU ARE THE KING!! Well done!
  19. You did!! Well done. I could afford to lose a few lot ... (is 20 a lot?) of kilos.
  20. Sounds like you have this thing sorted. I am interested to see how it finishes up.
  21. Will the chopsticks fit down one corner if you install a leather tube, or is the bag not tall enough? (I have never used chopsticks, don't know their length etc). 2nd thought ... What about stitching a thin layer of leather to the shoulder strap, above the square ring, sewn on 2 sides and the bottom and a basic flap at the top to make a pouch to slide the chopsticks in? Depending on how long the shoulder strap is, would that make too much of the strap, too stiff?
  22. Probably make it easier to stitch and be easily sufficient for the job as well, but I would use the same leather so the colour and texture of the leather is exactly the same. I am not known for taking the easy road.
  23. No reason why you cannot sew these pieces together inside out, then turn the bag in the right way. I would suggest sewing back and front to the bottom 1st, then sew in the ends. Then turn the bag in the right way.
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