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Everything posted by Northmount

  1. Have you contacted http://y-knotlace.com/ in Montana or https://www.knottylinda.com/ in British Columbia? Can't tell from their website whether the lace is bevelled or not. Both have a large colour selection. Contact them and ask. Both are using kangaroo. Tom
  2. Hold the beveler just above the leather so you can move it without it dragging. Smooth beveler is easier to move smoothly. Bevel once, then go back over it to smooth it out. Light taps are better than being heavy handed. Tom
  3. Leather does stretch. Especially veg tanned if it gets wet. Dampness is likely due to perspiration (or out in the rain). One thing you can do to help prevent stretching is to stitch both edges of the straps. Nothing really waterproofs leather. It needs to be sealed on both sides. Waxes and such need to be refreshed frequently. Tom
  4. Why would you suppose they dropped "oil" from the name? You can check out their MSDS information on their website. You can also check several other discussions here on LW where the topic has been discussed before. Tom
  5. @JLSleather and here is another Tom
  6. @JLSleather check this post Tom
  7. Any more name calling and you may get blocked. It is not good etiquette anywhere. Consider yourself warned. Tom
  8. Northmount

    Scrap leather

    OP hasn't visited leatherworker.net since June 1. He seems to want you to PM him rather than visit this page! @eflores Are you interested in selling this scrap or not? Tom
  9. OP appears to be in the Washington DC area. @xlr8tn would be a good idea to put your location in your profile so you can get help related to the area you live in. That is a Consew machine. Their office is at: 400 Veterans Blvd., Carlstadt, NJ 07072 Phone: (212) 741-7788 They or sewing machine dealers listed in the ads at the top of this page can supply tables and motors. (Refresh to see more ads.) Make sure to tell them what it is for so they can supply the proper setup. Tom
  10. Do a google search; "leather safety razor travel case". Click on images. Lots of examples and places to buy from including ebay, amazon, etc. I once had a nice set. Like a zipped folder with razor, brush, soap, mirror, comb, nail file, etc. That is the style I would pick, but there are many out there. Some very simple, just a pouch for the razor. You could make a simple pouch in an hour. Tom
  11. Pro Oil dye is now called Pro dye. So called oil dyes are not oil based. They are solvent based and have some oil added to the concoction. Solvent based infers use of a solvent like alcohols. Other option is water based. The stronger the solvent used in your finish, the more likely to see it lift some of the dye, especially water based dyes. USMC black is the worst for lifting and spreading. Good for fixing the toes on your boots, then applying boot polish (wax) over top. Your finished wallet looks very nice. Keep it away from white shirts. Solvent based dyes will penetrate most finishes. It will not be as dark as it would with bare leather. Could take more coats to arrive at same depth of coverage. Tom
  12. Did you use an existing belt to get the length to the centre hole measured from the tang tip for the buckle? Tom
  13. @beyondcomfort Try cross posting in Leather Sewing Machines as well. Tom
  14. @MasterSaddlerKate Moved your post to "General Saddlery Discussion". Hope this gets the response you are looking for. "Help wanted" is like the classified ads looking for work, or looking to employ someone. All posts in Help wanted have to be approved before they become visible to all. Tom
  15. @TomBanwell Are we to assume you are located in Sacramento CA as well? It's a good idea to put your location in your profile so people have a good idea where you are as it make a big difference in shipping, exchange rates, etc. You might even find someone down the street from you is interested. Tom
  16. @Cferna27 Moved your post to Leather Sewing Machines. You'll get more action here. Tom
  17. I doubt you'll get much better answers than what you have found on your previous post Tom
  18. On the upper right of the original post, there is a little box that says following. If you click on it, you can set it to update you with any new posts to the thread. Tom
  19. You can tap the bottom stitch with a smooth hammer to help improve the looks. Tom
  20. @OrellacaMoved your post to Leather Sewing Machines. You'll get more results here since this is where the sewing machine people live! Tom
  21. I would expect it needs to be placed over the feed dogs. Left or right. If you are trying to sew something that won't fit between the needle and the body of the machine, for stitching an edge, you will likely need to mount the roller foot on the left (outside). For double roller feet, when stitching an edge, you will need to raise the empty side roller off the feed dogs. Tom
  22. Seat belt material is a very tight weave. Suggest a regular conical point needle. You'll never get a blunt tip through unless you use an awl to make a large hole first. Don't use triangular point glover's needles. Tom
  23. @Mazzy1988 Moved your post to Leather Sewing Machines. Much more likely to get answers here. Help wanted is sort of like the classified ads in a newspaper, looking to hire, or looking for employment. All posts in help wanted have to be approved by a moderator before they are visible to the public. Tom
  24. The Stohlman FB page (as well as other leather related FB pages) is interesting to see some of the memorabilia and people's stories. However all these various FB groups are not easily searchable for content when you are trying to find answers or ideas. So I don't expect them to have much impact on leatherworker.net. I see some of the FB people moving here to find help. Tom
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